you have just seen a transformating glenz vector of 60 real faces! in my opinion it is the best trans-glenz ever made on amiga... beating the spy and deftronic trans-glenz of 48 real faces just before this beautiful glenz you saw a new world record beating the legendary azatoth of phenomena 125 stars record! i (oriol) made 225 3-axis rotating stars in 8 colors!! of course all effects running always in 1-frame! not bad for being the first product from a spanish coder don't you think? the credits for firstep coding and graphics by oriol chip music by travolta of spaceballs watch out for new productions from darkness! / now i would like to explain why i think that my 60 real faces is a world record, when you have seen a 192 faces glenz in the 3d demo ii coded by hannibal. well, the reason is quite simple... there are no transformations and it is easy to notice that it is a few seconds anim. there is another demo with a glenz build of more faces than mine, the guardian dragon 2 demo from kefrens (that part coded by laxity). there is a glenz that seems to be composed of 96 faces... but it is not true, there are only 24 real faces. it seems to have 96 faces due to a nasty trick, but that routine is not able to orient every face indepently... add to this that there are mistakes in the line drawings (another nasty trick to do it faster), the screen is very little and frontal faces are only of 2 colors. it is your chance to say which one is the best. after the greetings there will appear the official addresses and the memberlist of darkness (the number #1 in spain) so keep on reading. darkness send regards to absolute, alcatraz, alessandro, alpha flight, ag.front, agoni, amaze, analog, anarchy, andromeda, armageddon, artefact, atlantys, aurora, awake, balance, bastards, bladerunners, brainstorm, celeste, crusaders, d-tech, dazzle, decade, delight, desire, destiny, digital, dual crew, epic, exact, exile, exit, fairlight, falcons, fifth generation, flash production, frantic, frogs, fusion, headway, hypnotic, impulse, infestation, intense, iris, i.b.b., kefrens, lemon, liquid, live act, lloret free byte, lsd, necropolis, nexus, ngc, nova, mad mixers, outrage, oxygen, paradox, paranoid, polaris, profecy, pure metal coders, quartex, quartz, razor, rebels, reflectors, risk, sanity, scoopex, sharks, skid row, skillion, solaris, sonic, spaceballs, spreadpoint, static bytes, syntax error, technoir, templarios, thailand, the black corsair, the dark demon, the hidden, the pirate, the silents, the special brothers, trackers, triad inc., trsi, vances, vanish, vision, vogue, vsli, xenox, x-trade, zender, zenith and zero defects. if you are interested in contacting us don't hesitate and write to us at the following adresses 10248 07080 palma spain 54265 28080 madrid spain 6078 46080 valencia spain 4004 29080 malaga spain if you are especially interested in getting in touch with the coder of this little production write to oriol de san pedro gasometro 16, 3-2 43001 tarragona spain or call to (977) 21-20-57 in spain special greets from oriol to all the members of the number #1 in spain group, darkness. Sonny(code),Troglobyte(code, swap and leader),Amiga Vice(code),Atlantic(code),Unico(music),Bitmouse(gfx),Hipnooxis(code),Bitmonster(code, music and swap),Dani(gfx),Salv(music and swap),Caronte(code),Estrayk(code, music and swap),Warlock(gfx),Dolby(music and swap),Kustom(coder),Spanish Archer(coder),Byte Vacuum(coder),Ciphad(gfx),Vader(coder) that's all for this time... see you!