witam wszystkich w polskim scrollu. prosze sie przygotowac na niezly ubaw! ...... ;+ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 czesc!!! co slychac? tu xtd oczywiscie! no, musze juz konczyc, bo sie woda gotuje! #+ a co on tak dzisiaj popierdala, querva? te, extend zrobiles jakies moduly? ;+ kurde, no jakos mi sie (misie) nie chcialo, no wiesz, kurde bycie naczelnym to jest taka pracochlonna praca! #+ ty leniu leniwy! lenisz sie bardziej niz docent! *+ czy ktos cos o mnie mowil? nie? cisza? to dlaczego wlasciwie sie obudzilem? ktora godzina? 12.36! srodek nocy! dobranoc! %+ dobranoc doc! #+ plexa, ty tutaj? %+ nigdy nie rozstaje sie z moim boskim idolem! docent jest tym, kogo szukalem przez cale zycie! teraz go nie opuszcze az do smierci! ;+ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 fallstart! woda sie juz zagotowala! slyszeliscie, ze dreamer ma juz music-disk? podobno fajnie zrobiony, tylko moduly do dupy! #+ pierdolisz? nic o tym, querva, nie wiem! musze w koncu do dreamera napisac! w koncu nie odpisuje mu juz chyba ze dwa miesiace! ;+ ano, kurwa musisz, musisz! &+ czesc wam! o czym mowicie? ;+ o tym jak ostatnio ,wyjebales swoja honda w nastepna bezbronna staruszke! &+ no co, wy znowu o tym? kazdemu sie moze zdarzyc... #+ ano, kazdemu, ale tobie szczegolnie! *+ czy wy musicie tak krzyczec?! nie moge spac przez was, a jak sie porzadnie nie wyspie, to ninja znow bedzie krzyczal, ze zig-zag nie zrobiony! $+ a czy ty kiedykolwiek zrobiles go na czas? ty leniu! *+ tylko nie leniu! ja jestem boski, a ty jestes lamerem. $+ gowno prawda, zobacz, nawet melon mnie lubi i zrobili demo o mnie, o tobie nikt nigdy dema nie zrobil! #+ kurwa, cisza !!! wodka stygnie, kieliszki w dlon i dziaben, dziaben ;+ racja, dziaben, wodka dobrze dziala na moj zmysl muzyczny, po flaszce wychodza mi lepsze moduly i jestem prawie bogiem, caly czas na pierwszym miejscu #+ gowno, ja jestem lepszy, tylko za duzo pije, ty jestes cieniak, bo palisz klubowe i nie rzygasz ;+ klubowe rulez, rzyganie nie jest rulez a ja i tak jestem bogiem %+ kurwa, mordy w kubel, kieliszki w dlon i dziaben #+ racja, dziaben, wodka jest lepsza od extenda *+ a ode mnie tez jest lepsza? #+ od ciebie nie, bo ty zawsze chodzisz w trampkach i to w tych samych od paru lat $+ morda w kubel lamery, bo miecz wyciagne i zajebie wszystkich #+ zamilcz, spierdalaj do swojego zig-zaga, ty i twoj magazyn dawno powinniscie byc na cmentarzu ;+ racja, kurwa. co jest martwe, niech pod ziemie idzie... %+ uwaga, krowy nadlatuja!!! #+ a czy wala kloce? *+ kurwa, mam osrane trampki!!!! $+ pochwa od miecza jest pelna gowna!!! plexa, zabierz swoje krowy i na pastwisko!!! ;+ widzicie, tylko na mnie krowy nie sraja!!! #+ popatrz na swoje plecy... &+ gowniarze, lamerzy, schowam sie do swojej hondy i krowy moga sobie srac do usranej smierci... %+ poczekaj, az w gownie ugrzezniesz i nie wyjedziesz... &+ ninja przyjdzie i mnie uwolni, zabije wszystkie krowy i chuj %+ no, tylko mi kurwa krow nie mordowac, bo nie bedziecie mogli codziennie rano mleka sobie wypic, malolaty... ;+ ja nie pije mleka, ja pisze moduly i jestem boski *+ kurwa, zapomnij o boskosci, ja jestem bogiem, ninja to moja gwardia przyboczna a root jest szoferem... #+ pierdolcie te gowno, nie takie rzeczy z nieba lecialy, dziaben, dziaben, bo nam do flaszki nasraja... $+ moment, skocze tylko napisac pare artykulow... ;+ znowu te nekrologi piszesz, walnij se sete i chuj #+ cisza, bo przyjdzie dreamer i nas zabije, nie dosc, ze pozwolil nam napisac scroll do swojego sounddysku, to my jeszcze bluzgamy ;+ racja, dreamer jest sto razy lepszy ode mnie, ja sie juz wypalilem, jak chuj w pornusie, nie umiem juz robic modulow, robie tylko skladanki ze starych, chlip, chlip, chlip... #+ kurwa, nie becz!!! klubowego w ryj, flaszka w dlon i dziaben, zycie nie jest takie straszne... ;+ ale ja chce byc na pierwszym miejscu do konca swiata, buuuuuuu... %+ a moze chcesz byc krowa? my mamy chartsy i zawsze bedziesz na pierwszym miejscu, sto procent, nawet dreamer nie podskoczy... ;+ nie, nie chce oszukiwac... #+ pierdol to, nikt sie nie skapnie... ;+ no, dobra, tylko facet z drugiego miejsca ma miec milion punktow straty do mnie, ok? *+ kurwa, uwaga, jakis gostek popierdala!!! $+ szable w dlon i bic lamera... %+ krowy do ataku, srajcie ile wlezie... &+ zaraz go rozjebie, moja honda wszystko rozpierdoli... #+ kurwa gdzie flaszka? chowac wszystko, to agent z aa, zabierze nam wszystko, skurwiel, abstynent jebany... <+ dobra panowie, koniec chlania i pierdolenia glupot, nadchodzi era falcona. spierdalajcie wszyscy: plexa do obory, root pod ziemie, docent na uniwersytet, peters na izbe wytrzezwien, extend do lamusa a ninja do hollywood. #+ a ty kurwa kto? babinicz jaki, czy chuj? <+ jam nie babinicz, jam zogar sag. zaraz was wszystkich porozpierdalam !!! sa jakies sprzeciwy? &+ kurwa, to jakis wariat, szybciej, wsiadajcie do hondy, spierdolimy mu... $+ dobra, wsiadajcie, ja bede ubezpieczal... ;+ no, kurwa, udalo nam sie uciec!!! #+ root, kurwa, uwazaj, lamer na drodze!!! <+ stac, rece do gory, bo was z chuja zastrzele!!! %+ root, kurwa, patrz na droge, zaraz go rozjedziemy!!! &+ no to co? #+ wooow, ale chlapnelo, ciekawe jak krew sie zmywa z szyb? &+ moje wycieraczki sa boskie i wszystko zetra, oprocz cial stalych. dobrze, ze ten lamer nie mial mozgu... ;+ no, klubowego w ryj... #+ a potem dziaben...... koniec wystapili: * - docent, % - plexa, & - root, # - peters, ; - extend, $ - ninja, < - zogar sag (okaz lokalnego lamera) ciag dalszy nie nastapi, albo nastapi, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie, albo tak, albo nie??? good evening. i'm here only to give sum messages. qba/trsi - krzywe ogorki z ketchupem sux. telefon rulez. nowy music-disk bedzie 100 razy lepszy. --- tom - fuck you, lamer! --- audiomonster / bomb - hi! --- peters / joker - look into polish scroll :) --- norby / trsi - eat me with mustard. --- katani / mystic - smiechu warte jest warte 45-u minut mojego cennego czasu! --- heatbeat / cncd - fuck you. --- python - what now? --- magic and sascha / mirage - good morning, palz! --- lenin / freezers - ja ci kurwa dam zmiany na moim dysku! scroll jest calkiem kool. --- lizardking / triton - what daya think 'bout gravis? --- lazur - c u in my new music-disk! --- interphace / andromeda - nice chat at d'party insn't it? --- thats all... if i miss u, than it's ok becouse i don't know u. now fuck off and press d function keyz. hara kiri. this is lenin's scroll... first, i'd like to apologize for my very long scene-break, big sorry to all my contacts, but i hope that our swap-time will be more interesting, coz i'm back in business. i killed all girls in poland, so now i'm absolutely free and ready to work. hope you like this production. as all of you know, dreamer isn't a freezers member, but we decided to make this music-disk for him. in near future next sounddisk will be released, this time bethoven's one, so be patient and wait. also we're working on some other projects, but it's a secret, he he... so, i'll finish this scroll here, i prefer to write letters than scrollers. listen and enjoy... at last!!! after many days, weeks and months of hard work "dreamwalker" is finished for your pleasure. first, some info about this sounddisk. if you want to install "dreamwalker" on your hard-disk, just reset your computer and boot disk two. if you want to see something very interesting, just press space or help key. this production is a cooperation between some polish groups, but the main code was done by freezers members, for more details look into the credits. "dreamwalker" is also first dreamer's soundisk and we hope that after this production dreamer will become more popular musician, not only in poland. so, enjoy this production and select another scrolltext, coz this is only main-scroll, others are more interesting... @ 5th generation @ absolute! @ abstract @ academy @ accession @ alcatraz @ alpha flight @ amnesty @ anaheim @ analog @ appendix @ applause @ arise @ balance @ banana design @ banal projects @ bitch suckers @ blaze @ bronx @ cadaver @ cadence @ cartel @ casyopea @ chaos d-sign @ chrome @ citron @ c-lous @ compact @ complex @ control @ crap! @ cydonia @ damage @ darkness @ decnite @ defiance @ demagogic @ depth @ desire @ diffusion @ dreamdealers @ dupa naszej ani @ dual crew shining @ duplo @ eaststar @ effect @ energy @ eremation @ eskimos @ essence @ excalibur @ extacy @ extension @ f.c.i. @ fear @ focus design @ front 242 @ frontiers @ funzine @ gac @ genetic @ genocide @ gods @ grotesticle @ hazard @ hemoroids @ heretia @ humans @ idk @ illusion @ independents @ infect @ inflow @ insane @ intense @ interactive @ iris @ isch crew @ jewels @ joker @ jollypad @ kiwi design @ kefrens @ kool @ kronical @ ladybird design @ laserdance @ lego @ lethal mind @ liberation @ lsd @ mad elks @ majic 12 @ maniacs @ manitou @ mayhem @ medicine @ melon dezign @ metro @ motive @ movement @ mystic @ nexus @ ngc @ nuance @ obscene @ obsession @ omega @ orbital @ orion @ ozone free @ platin @ polka brothers @ pride @ principes @ pulse @ quadriga @ quick design @ ram jam @ razor 1911 @ rebels @ relax @ resolution @ retire @ saints @ sanity @ sardynox @ scoopex @ scope @ score @ silicon ltd. @ solitude @ spasm @ speedy @ static bytes @ status o.k. @ stellar @ stone arts @ storm @ suspect @ suspiria @ sylicon arts @ synteticks @ s!p @ talent @ taurus @ technology @ termos @ the dark demon @ the flame arrow @ the fun factory @ the magic guild @ trance @ tribe @ trsi @ turnips @ union @ unlimited @ us @ wotb @ outlaws @ zenon @ vega @ venture @ veto @ vision @ x-terminate @ x-treme @ x-trade freezers whq #;t r e s p a s s;# +46-(0)8-59089944 a1200/020/882 1 gb online 28k8ds v.34 # sysop: reverend d $ freezers phq #;i c e h o u s e;$ +48-(0)63-417119 a4000/030 520 hd online # sysop: sky $ (21 pm - 7 am) to get in touch with us, please write to one of the following addresses: # dreamer $ komandorska 8 62-510 konin poland +48-(0)63-426711 # lenin $ pilsudskiego 2/53 66-400 gorzow wlkp. poland +48-(0)95-324076 # immortal $ tomek chmielewski kasprowicza 28e 31-523 krakow poland +48-(0)12-114632 # gordon $ bogdan lipski reja 10/12 66-400 gorzow wlkp. poland +48-(0)95-292846 # mindphaser $ fredrik komstadius sn%ckstigen 2 58-258 link*ping sweden +46-(0)31-153592 # kazz $ mika savela silakkatie 232 43-170 hakkila finland complete memberlist: # poland $ @alex - music @beniamin - gfx @bethoven - music @cia - gfx, music @freeman - gfx (disabled) @gordon - code @immortal - swap @joy - code @krasnal - trader @lenin - swap, whq @sky - sysop, swap @sputnik - code @yoga - gfx @zogar sag - lamer # sweden $ @mindphaser - swap @reverend d - sysop @tbm - code # finland $ kazz - swap =Œö # broken coin $ i like it. -python / trsi- # broken coin $ well... i told you, that's a nice song -katani / mystic- # broken coin $ unfortunately i like this module ! -lenny / scope!- # broken coin $ what a shit... -baldkonik / horstic- # broken coin $ where is my vodka ???!!! oh, here you are! gulgulgul.. ...about "broken coin"? well, very peaceful one. very interesting melody line! hpfrr... -srebrno-sivy / vetko- »2 # cigarette smoke $ first place at the gelloween party'94 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 it's a quite shit! a shit as all your modules. -baldhorse / trsi-# cigarette smoke $ should i be sincere ? ok. there are a nice samples, nice motive, nice bass line. i really like it. this is a new dimension of amiga music. my congratulations! i think, you are a god! no, you are a lost paradise on the earth! p.s after listening of the last pattern, i think, that baldhorse is right. this is a real piece of shit (hehe). -katani / mystic-# cigarette smoke $ first place at the gelloween party'94 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 i like it, becouse there are many commends in third pattern, and there aren't any wholes. -lenny / scope-# cigarette smoke $ first place at the gelloween party'94 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 good myrning! hyre ys your byst ygent 007! james bend(yk) - hy, hy... ach, jak milo byc skovronkiem... mc banana cool! yes, yes. ucho od sledzia! -motyl / magazine-¾r>(ñcç # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party i've got used to this tune. at first it was very weird for me, but now it's ok, i think. -alice / mad elks- # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party this is goddam, fucking, horseshit, motherjiving, shitty as fucked hell sypho! i really hate it! -baldhorse / trsi- # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party i'm sure, that all light and sounds cannot compare with my modules! they're ugly, lamebad and so on!! super team rulez! -fire / super team-# light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party first place at the autumn party i don't like this kind of music. i prefer tekkno, metal braun's hoovers, etc. so i don't like any of light and sounds. -kopara / mad elks- # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party in connexion with listenning this module over the phone, i can't tell anythink about it. -lenny / scope- # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party i'd like to listen a real music, not so fucked up angel's lament! -norby / trsi- # light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party i can endure it ... -sivy / veto-# light and sound 4 $ first place at the polish autumn party good piece of music. this is interesting one, good idea for this kind of ecspression, but there could be more invention of making the style. -xtd / mystic and trsi- –y # rain land $ iiu, ywre wr. eiqt i qytq? fuyqiu - iy qiuq... hgs. ah gsac vb vciu 32 bvxz, cnb szo ioi: 32 ogg db!!! -gfewrgh / hgcui- # rain land $ this one is very good for writting looong letters. oh! it's cool place for free advert! -melin / feeders and koker- # rain land $ it is too lazy and calm, so it doesn't fit to listening. -lenny / scope- # rain land $ there is very nice end-part with piano! korg d-70 piano... also i like the other samples. ...especialy these ripped... ...from my modules... -xfd / haze- z­ # bumblee flumblee $ i don't like this. i don't know why, but i really don't like this. -baldhorse / trsi-# bumblee flumblee $ well, i think there is a nice melody, but there is a bad finetune in sampel no.3! there must be 4, not 5! besides you should boost sampel no.1a and upsampl no.f. bass line is ok, but there is a enharmonic error in 13th pattern, 3rd chanel (chord). that's all! -katani / mystic- (coder) # bumblee flumblee $ although everybody get sick of funk, dreamer made very nice funk-song! -lenny / scope- # bumblee flumblee $ i don't know what to say! -peters / joker- 륶| # folx - vagen $ second place at the party 4 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 i have to say, that "folx-vagen" has very nice name! i think, the name is the best piece of the module! -baldhorz / mystica- # folx - vagen $ second place at the party 4 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 i think, this is the hardest tekkno piece, i have ever seen (heard)! -kaftani / mystic-# folx - vagen $ second place at the party 4 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 all dreamer's modules i judge in phone-calls. of course i listen to them by phone. but today there are some rubishes on the line, and i can't hear anythink! -lennnny / scupe- # folx - vagen $ second place at the party 4 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 shit! me again? shit! ok... this is the best module, i have ever heard... today... -tepers / joker- # folx - vagen $ second place at the party 4 "module of the month" in "the charts"-february'95 folk music was allways my favorite kind of music! i love this one! it's so romantic! -xpd / aqstic and trsi-¡ëoû # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i we should have used this module in thing... it's great! -magic/applause (thing editor)- # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i blasted as docent / union! -python / trsi- # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i when i heard the module for the first time, i thought.....great !!! but after hearing more, it starts to get boring. -sascha / applause- # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i i don't like this shitty. ... where is my beeeerrr ??!!!! -sivy / veto- # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i i think, this is your curioust song! hmmm... yes, i think so, but could you stop recording this ?! -stve / joker- # doclandia $ third place at the intel outside party i pleasent, distinguish oneself, but i don't like the sax sampel. it doesn't suit to the rest. -xtd / mystic and trsi-