2000 A.D. IS BACK IN BIZ! YEAHH AT LAST IT'S FINISHED!!!! AFTER LONG WAITING FOR BLITZ GRAPHICS AND DUE TO LOT OF HOMEWORK(?) I FIRST GOT TIME TO FINISH THIS LITTLE DEM# BY NOW ALTHOUGH I STARTED CODING IT IN NOV. 1990 YESUM BOSS! IT'S TRUE - GOOD OLD 2000 A.D. IS BACK!! WITH ALLMOST ALL THE OLD HEROES FROM THE 64 : APOLLON - DROID - NETWORK TEN - OZZY - RESIZE & CRUZZ HMMMM ANYONE IN FOR A BET??? I'D SAY THAT BUSH AND THE YANKEES ARE GONNA BOMB IRAQ BACK TO THE STONEAGE IN ONE MONTH ### THOSE BLODDY MUSLIMS... I HATE THE WAY THEIR OLD UGLY BLACKDRESSED GRANNIES ARE RUNNING AROUND IN THE STREETS WITH KALASHNIKOVS.. BELIVING THEY ARE IMMORTAL!! BUT THEY'LL BE WIZER IN A COUPLE OF DAYS!!! JUST GO GET EM BUSH!! THOOSE DANM SEWER-BEDOUINS!!! AHH IT FELT GOOD TO GET THAT OFF MY CHEST!! IM REALLY GLAD THAT SOME PEOPLE STILL READS SCROLLTEXTS... THE ONLY THING I REGRET TO IMFORM YOU IS THAT I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING MORE TO SAY!!! BUT ENJOY THE MUSIC AND DON'T RESET BEFORE YOU HAVE READ THE TEXT ABOVE!!! SEE YOU AROUND IN ANOTHER 2000 A.D. PRODUCTION... JUST ONE FINAL COMMEMNT - WEAPONS DON'T KILL PEOPLE... I DO!!! >**** 2000 A.D. Presents, for your entertainment only! ))Back in Bizness(( **> Credits for this little demo must Go to : ------------------- Droid for Coding + Chars and Design.... ------------------- *Blitz for 14 color logo + slimy background and DELAY!!! ------------------- *Odkin for Fabulous music -------------------* > We would like to send some greetings to a few people....* Not because we know all of you.. BUT because you are keeping the market well stocked with great demos and games !!!!** ------------------- REGARDS TO :- Paradox Kefrens Skid row Cult Red Sector Scoopex Fantazy Unit one inc. Rebels Silents Crusaders Budbrain Anarchy Zerodefects Angles Defjam Tristar Crionics Dual Crew Wizzcat Impact Razor 1911 Frantic Vision Triangle Upfront : (Don't force me to use power! ha ha) **> A few personal greetings from Droid to :- ------------------- Liteace/Paradox : Thanks for always fast and cool sendings (ehem !?) ------------------- **Drake/Paradox : Looking out for yer game Got any new videos? ------------------- **Tech of 1989 : Im looking forward to see your next demo! ------------------- **A lamer from Odkins school class : What's that bull- shit about BASIC+C is better and as fast as MC ??? *How can a kid be that lame?? I think i oughta kick your ass ------------------- **Also a big hello to all fuzzy freaks on Roskilde- EDB-Skole! ------------------- ***>If you want to do some trading.... Then write to the following adreses GET PEN AND PAPER****** > AMIGA TRADING ------ Ozzy ------- Michael Durr Lyngbyvej 167 2100 KBH 0 ----- Apollon ----- S0ren Madsen Kofodanchersvej 119 3060 Espergaerde ------------------- ********** > VHS and Demo Trading ----- Droid ------- Hessenbruch Tj0rneparken 3 4000 Roskilde ------------------- ***** >Hey Promax your Seka is fine but how about a command which can split a longword up in 2 like this - **picture = $30000 dc.b #(picture dc.b #)picture So it's possible to set labels into copperlist ect. it would be great! **** And now that im writing about utilities i have to mention the most original program i have seen for long time - Multiripper 2.0 Simply great!! So now i am out of inspiration again! ***Well your probaly allready bored to hell with this so i think i'll let this start in a few seconds Ohh before i forget it, i can allmost for sure promise that my next demo will be a real one!?! ** SO KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED ************ 2000 A.D. PRESENTS RISK BROKEN BY