unlimited lifes unlimited bombs unlimited coins unlimited hits LOAD AND START GAME LEANDER++++ A L P H A F L I G H T _______________________ presents another trainer done by MURPHY/AFL LEANDER was cracked by SKID ROW If you want to play the game normally, then leave the trainer settings as they are. Or better go and buy yourself the original game from your local dealer! We sent out the very best greetings to all our friend and partners! If you want to get in touch with us, call one of our bulletin board systems A U S T R A L I A _________________ Mach V +61 354 31162 C A N A D A ___________ Event Horizon +1 514 522 6994 F I N L A N D _____________ The Severed Garden +35 875 44104 G E R M A N Y _____________ Damage Incorporated +49 228 ?????? FBI Agents BBS +49 201 ?????? I T A L Y _________ Hidden Power +39 040 350660 N E T H E R L A N D S _____________________ The Dutch Pirates +31 117 23666 P O R T U G A L _______________ New Inquisition +351 130 18945 S W E D E N ___________ Fast Bytes +46 832 3609 The Ghetto +46 753 87164 The Unforgiven +46 876 81572 U S A _____ Bears Den +1 303 745 2728 Dark Domain +1 305 989 0718 Mass Media +1 717 938 1234 Prime Time +1 513 861 7170 The Hole +1 313 667 1791 Thunderdome +1 415 964 1576 Time Trials +1 716 681 2872 W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S ___________________________________ S.S.M.S. +49 303 ?????? For the -?- refer the DMS-text for the complete numbers! font and code by Pickel/AFL, logo by Thor/AFL, music by Plauze/AFL ON OFF