______ .,_ ______ _,. ___ \__ \ // __// __/ /__ __\ \ / /_____ /_ __/ _ _ _,_ / \ \ _\_____ \ / / __ _,_ _ _ // /_\ \\ \_/ // \_/ \\ / ./ \\ ./ // \. \ \___________/ \______/ \___________/ · Party Pack No. 23 Evoke & other cargo! · 1 · Konrad Zuses Plankalk}l __ TEK __ 2 · Evokaetion (1MB CHIP) / #\ TEK /# \ 3 · Cracktro .\__/ HotSoft \__/. 4 · A Little Blue . { Nukleus { . 5 · Sharovaya Molniya (AI) . ErrorSoft .{ 6 · Drink Lycan/LNX __ . 7 · End of the Day . Lycan/LNX / #\ 8 · Mermaid Lycan/LNX \__/ 9 · Les Animaux Grip/Istari { 10 · Fury in Fur Folcka/Depth { 11 · The Valley Visitor Critikill/S16 { I'm afraid there is no room for intros that use libraries! . Greets to: ADKD, Alex Menchi, Amiga Bill, aNdy, Ash, Asle, Boony, Critikill, Depeche, FuZioN, Galahad, James, Judge Drokk, Olympian & Pav! Compiled by Motion / ASCII by Motion / ARTSTATE WHQ: bbs.retro32.com:1337