+++ Part 1 text wwoooooowww - i like it ! this is the prettiest sinusscroll i ever coded ^^ up ^^ and __ down __ and << left << and >> right >> today is the 20th of june 1992, the weather is hot and groovy and my english is very bad and smc makes me puke with his soundes and i'm hungry and skindiver wanted to fetch some warsteiner,but isn't back now (did he pick up some girls or has the dog eaten him or what?) and here the latest last minute news: the sourcecode for part 2 is gone and with that i'm not able to change it any more ! ..... we've got a new member called groggy - he comes from paralytic and will do modemtrading and coding ..... also nike thinks about joining us again / staying with beyond ..... the tune in part 2 is called not and was done by enoh, cause had 146 kb, and i would have needed one meg of chipmem for that - but i tell you - it sounded great (full heavy metal with ac/dc samples!) ..... my next demo will be released at the amiga'92 in köln and will only run on a500+ (i'll take 800 kb of chipmem for that) ..... coding is harder than you can imagine ..... here comes the first joke: ein galeerensklave wird nach zehn jahren entlassen: 'ja, ja, und schon wieder arbeitslos ... !' or this one: auf einer österreichischen galeere streiken die sklaven. meint der kapitän: 'das ist mein letztes angebot: 20 prozent gehaltserhöhung!' alle ruderer: 'jaaaa!' ok - forget it ..... wusstet ihr, dass galeerensklaven die besten ehemänner der welt sind -total pflegeleicht und nie daheim ++ pop must die ++ here comes the absolute credits ..... loader: background - zeroflag ### coding - zeroflag part1: darklogo - toxic ### camel - ferox ### madbuttruelogo - ancalagon, flo, zeroflag ### medusa - zeroflag, toxic ### sinusfont - zeroflag ### coding - zeroflag ### sound(called: speed !) - enoh part2: sound(called: hellfire) - cubic ### videogfx - zeroflag ### whitefont - toxic ### videofont - zeroflag ### coding - zeroflag part3(game): sound(called: is there a light ?) - enoh ### beyondlogo - toxic ### smallfont - toxic ### coding - zeroflag ### backgroundgfx - zeroflag additional: all idiotic scrolltexts by zeroflag, mental help by smc and niki, some gfx by my little brother (ancalagon), stickers by lunatic earls, a500+, asmone, dpaint4, iffmaster, ... just the sun starts to draw here bloody line across the sky and we want to thank you for your patience, cause some of us wrote abitur in the last few weeks and so we were not able to release this one earlier ... and always remember - zeroflag with capital z and capital f !!! contact us ..... for legal elite swapping: skindiver of beyond / andreas schwarz / pfarrer-ziller-strasse 15 / 8051 kranzberg ..... for any kind of swapping and beer: toxic of beyond / plk a 031247 / 8264 waldkraiburg ..... for beer, cool letters and coding: zeroflag of beyond / olmützerstr. 5 / 8898 schrobenhausen ..... and certainly everything in united germany ..... or call our board 'royal house' under +49-7633-150195 ..... we're sitting at aloy's home here, but aloy is already asleep - we're coding since 15 hours nonstop now - rob's grandma is sabbling - smc is telling silly aloy-wixer-hund-jokes - toxic is painting a fullscreenmarblepattern - the chicken mc. nugget has just rung - i just heard the word 'sekt' - i'd rather feel like i needed a can of coffee - i'm out of warsteiner, too - but what do i tell you --- this is simply the best group i've ever known - no leaders, real good gfxmen, mad coders, cool musicians, groovy meetings, ..... ohh fuck up - press your mousey now and watch the next part !!! +++ part 2 text welcome to another... demo FNTZ make love ... ... not P it's a ¹@³°¼½ demo called MAD but true ohh shit ... it's raining R let's have sum vertical raster lines R hmm ... H kotz, spei try this ... R B boring take this ... or wait for another one R here comes ... crazy dots R ain't that crazy ??? the cedits sound gfx gfx code gfx scroll ... or die XXXXX press right mousebutton to hold the scroller ..... beyond - where do we come from, and were do we go to ??? in te beginning god made the earth and the sky above, but the earth was waste and empty. bon scott said: 'let there be light' and there was light! ... and a long time after that god said: 'let there be ibm', and there was ibm and all the other 'kompatiblen'. but then the lord said: 'it's no good, that there's only ibm.' and god made c-64, apple, atari st and finally at the climax of the creation god made the amiga and the people saw, that the amiga was a good one. many of them converted to the amiga and the others were trown out of paradise, cause they ate the forbidden apple or believed in the fallen angle ibm. the creditors of the amiga lived in piece together and abraham ... many years later it happend in oberammergau, that the group of skylab was founded. three kings from the holy land came and brought gifts to the new group, but somemonth later they recognized that it was the wrong group and took away their gifts. also there was king venator, who sent out his troops to take away skylab's coder, but they failed. as skylab died many groups struggled to get skylab's coder, but only two of them where able to convince him. their names were morgoth and tecnomania and those names carried far across the land. on dark night - it was the 13. night after midnight - it happend and those two groups joined together and they now shall be known as .... beyond .... also some of the old skylab members - called enoh, mosher and zeroflag - joined this strong group. enoh, the persecuter of agnostix, wasn't able to bear this glory and went into the trygonian desert to meditate with the guru; rake, the greedy slimeball, was sent to hell; but many others followed the new star and after some some packdisks, intros, etc the time for the first beyond demo had come. it was the year 1992 and it was one of the longest days in the year. the demo was spread all over the world by the beyond modems and now it's up to your amiga ..... never forget - the lidless eye is watching you !!! mad but true - it's the first beyond demo i don't want to shit you up anymore - read the other scrollers ..... dial 49-7633-150195 to enter the 'royal house' --- get a shit of paper ..... 49-7633-150195 ..... ok, this is the scoller with the philosophic thoughts and i now will tell something about us men (i guess most of you are men). i know a very pretty girl, but she hates all men and when i asked her for the cause she wasn't able to give me a proper answer. hm, what have women left us as a privilege today ? 1. we are able to build rockets and fly to the moon 2. we play football (women do that, too, but that's no real football) 3. we kill each other at the battlefields (some women try to do the same, but they ain't no real women) 4. we build bombs, missiles, grenades, etc - no women does this! 5. we build and drive faster cars - most women want to drive cars that need less fuel and have lots of room inside, but ain't to big (when parking) 6. all real politians are men - those few 'quotenfrauen' only have a big mouth but nothing to say 7. we are able to drink more alcohol (that's the only thing women never will be able to reach !) 8. most offenders are men 9. we .... hmm i think that's all, but if you look back - which of those litte differences is really worth being a men ??? but on the other hand - would you like to be a girl ? why not ? the cause only can be found in their mentalstate of health. why is this girl not able to give a proper cause for hating men ? we are just able to survive a little better. on the other hand we destroy our body by working, drinking, driving, smoking, jumping(bungee or parasuit), climbing, ... and with that we die a little earlier, but who cares, cause we had lot's of fun in our short live some other people not have had. that's what i call 'suvival of the fittest' andi prefer to be one of those superior beings. (do you know the song 'live and let die' by guns n' roses !). don't worry about such girls - they need you, but you don't need them. (you may interpret this in different ways - take it as you like it). luckily not all girls are such 'furien' (hey niki!) ..... now that's the end of the psycho-scroller - contact me if you (don't) agree with me. this scroller contains some realities(??) some peolpe won't like at all, they can f--k themselves. also this scoller only reflects my (zeroflag) opinion and not that of beyond! (all text in this demo is written by me) ........ read all about sex, drugs, alcohol, music, cars and all the other things, that make life worth living ....... ok not everything about how to lead a relly good live, but i'll tell you how to make your live somewhat funnier (and perhaps some shorter) but i think everything is funnier when there's some danger with it. originally i wanted to write about bungee-jumping in this scroller, but bungee-jumping is just indescribable. but i tell you - it's an absolute groovy feeling, to jump down a crane or bridge (now i know why some people jump from skyscrapers). just try it - you won't be disappointed. if you don't know where and when you're able to jump call jochen schweizer bungee jumping e.g. in munich(089/6018057), hannover(0511/667871), kaiserslautern(06306/6660), jauntal (austria 0043/6634/7626) or kopenhagen(dk 0045/30/330368), but you also may jump in 4018-langenfeld, 7900-ulm, 8986-mittelberg, a-6850-dornbirn, a-4582-klaus/staudamm, a-4144-greifenstein or mallorca. at some locations it's also possible to jump from up to 82 meters (jauntal). you really missed a piece of life, if you didn't do it (and if you tried it once, you surely will do it again!). now i want to tell you a little story ..... you hear the sound of splintering glass. adrenalin floods your body as something hits your right temple. the bullet feels soft and warm when it enters your brain. blood gushes from your eye, runs down your cheek and drips over your teeth. you recognize there's a pain, but it doesn't hurt. your train of thought is very clear and you aren't frightened anymore. your skull crackles as the bullet leaves your head at the other side. you don't know what you are doing here anyway. your vision fades away like a broken tv set. at last it looks like a spaceship disappering in the night. a long time nothing happens. you only feel the beating of your heart and the warm blood as it streems all over your body. suddenly there's a crash and your body is thrown against the seat belt. there's a sizzling sound and then a burst of flame erases your thoughts ... i called it vision of death and it came up to my mind during my mathsabitur. i often have such visions, but normally there are only pictures (like the ripped-off-head flying over the ground and screaming as it is painted on the 'mad but true' sticker). you now might say i'm mad, but i tell all of you: it's really fun being mad! here comes the memberlist of beyond ... aloy (gfx) art of noise (music) cubic (music) dessert sun (modemtrading) flo (gfx) mike (gfx) mosher (coding,swapping) sin joiner (music) skindiver (gfx,swapping) smc (coding,music) sodom (coding) the duke (gfx,swapping) toxic (gfx,swapping) ferox (gfx, modem) zeroflag (coding,gfx) this means 16 members all over germany !!! enoh left us and joined trygon, because he had personal troubles with mosher. nike was kicked, cause he was very arrogant. here comes our greetinxlist (no order ) ... greetinx crash out from beyond to .... touchstone/hardline beathoven/paranoid cosmos/iceblock thor freaky/dark star extasy visuel art alien/acume amaze mac ram/analog damian black power force thunderbolt batman chris/scoopex maverik dark lord/wizards vic1992/warriors heatbeat/carillion static/rebels skull/rainbow trio black monks flag493 glixnaxx jester toxic/starlight killraven, time guardian, arcatronic/paradise lord chaos/xzess doom/design dreamer and jean/s!p/trsi r.t.f./dragons howie/laser dance slaughter/tech 711 and psycho-demon/subzero coitus/ind. cooper/ind. abettor/the federation the duke/the risk inc. mosquito/manitou devil and slider/addonic mr.king/violence zaxx/pleasure mst and maec/anarchy undertaker/majic 12 oz skyfox/dual crew cubic/ind. enoh/trygon falcon/lunatic earls sentinel/lsd boy/antarix sabine and bladestorm/afl raw/amaze? headline/tbv scuba/x-trade sledge/adept cooper/pad dark lord/wizards trasher/hardline ..... sorry - this list was incomplete and without any order ..... so und nun sitzten wir hier bei rob am speicher - rob ist irgendwo verschollen (smc meint beim wixen, das ist eh unser hauptgespraechsthema hier bei beyond) - smc und ich (zeroflag) coden, oder versuchen zu coden, waehrend die anderen wixen, kiffen, malen(?), saufen, scheisse labern, music hoeren, ... uns eben von der arbeit abhalten ..... oh gott - jetzt faengt smc auch noch an wixer-witze zu machen ..... toxic weigert sich meine sinustabelle von abigabasic auf ein blatt und von dort in ein file zu tippen - muss ich eben doch eine ausgabe in ein file coden (?) ..... smc erledigt das fuer mich ..... rob spielt sonic the hedgehog (hedges is mir lieber) ..... endlich kommt skindiver mit dem bier, der pizza und zehn weiteren unkompetenten members, die uns vocoden/malen abhalten und unser bier wegtrinken (zum glueck trinkt smc kein bier !!!) ..... rob's oma ist schwul und sabbert in der kueche rum ..... es ist so gegen 3.30 - smc verzweifelt an seiner plasmaroutine und ich muss schon wieder selbst die drecksarbeit machen (scroller schreiben zum beispiel) ..... draussen ist es dunkel (obwohl heute die kuerzeste nacht des jahres ist - aber selbst die ist viel zu lang) und im morgengrauen hoffen wir fertig zu sein ..... ..... ich hab jetzt keine lust mehr - ich geh jetzt zu rob's hund und ... o.k. press the lefty now sonst krieg ish noch einen anfall ..... +++ Part 3 text level score get ready congratulations commander !!! you survived all five levels you have died ! bad luck new hiscore