PT 3.11 Spreeded by EURECA. $VER:Protracker 3.11 Beta (26/06/93) Couldn't allocate the audiochannels! General audiodevice error! Resume ÀProtracker request! TASK INTERFERANCE! ProTracker 3.11 is already running. Unable to get CIA timer (Terminate other tasks and try again. Protracker 3.11 Beta Protracker VBlank Protracker CopInt Protracker CIA MusicInt -Jan--Feb--Mar--Apr--May--Jun--Jul--Aug--Sep--Oct--Nov--Dec-Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun- Make directory: Creating directory... modules Relabel disk as: Relabling disk... No diskname to relabel RAW IFF Are you sure you want to reset all paths? Executable Module Song Instrument Sample Pattern HideShow Dir aborted! Can't find dir! (DIR) ProTracker 3.11 Spreeded by TWILEK of EURECA (C) 1992-93 CryptoBurners Developed by: Ivar Just Olsen Bjarte Andreassen Tom Bech The authors are not responsible for any loss of data if ProTracker should crash your system! Spreading through commercial channels, eg. PD libraries, is prohibited without written permission from one of the authors. Charges may not exceed expences for disk and postage. select note editskip = 0 Swap with which track? (1/2/3/4) Mark block 00-00 You haven't marked any block! The buffer is empty! boost all samples filter all sampls command stored! DF0DF1DF2DF3OFSFFSINT empty Formatting... Initializing... Formatting aborted Hard error on disk Unable to open trackdiskdevice No disk in drive Select what data you wish to clear. Effects restored! Position restored! on off NoneFakeReal FASTMEDIUM GOODBETTER BEST config not found! not a config file can't create file error while reading config PT.config-00 loading config saving config VBLANK CIA Recover Song? add workspace ? This is not sample 0! Rename file as: This file is not a standard ProTracker module! Load as 31 or 15 instruments module? Adjust NoAdjust Overwrite the sample? Please wait, computing... Adjusting result... TrackPatt.Cmds Block SingleAll Track Pattern Sample PatternSong Multi Single mix 01+02 to 03 Sample not in range 01-1F! These are empty samples!! Not enough memory! Mixing chosen samples... filtering boosting Mismatch file type!? Enter password Incorrect password Reading PowerPacked module.. Can't open PowerPacker.library! Error while decrunching!! Not enough memory for decruncher! PP Open error!! PP Read error!! PowerPacked module is encrypted!! Permission denied Unknown PowerPacker version! PowerPacked file is empty! Weird PowerPacker error!? I hate this mod! Unknown IFF type M.K. Not enough memory for PowerPacking! Not enough memory for CrunchInfo! Error while crunching!! Error while writing file! Stanby, Packing.. Writing PP module.. Writing PP header.. Writing PP data.. Crunching... ---000000 can't open file ! can't save file ! examine error ! can't find file ! file is empty ! no range selected set larger range set cursor pos buffer is empty sample is empty Resample? Resampling... All right The disk is WriteProtected! Print aborted! Enter data Disk error!! Loading.. Loading song Loading module.. Loading sample.. Saving.. Saving song Saving module.. Saving your sample.. Deleting file... Renaming file.. Decrunching... Crunching... Please select entry Please select song Please select module Please select sample Please select file to rename Please select file to delete! Reading dir... Position now set Printing song.. Do you want to save the song? Delete this file? Do you want to save the module? Save this sample? Print the song? Are you sure you want to quit ? " Upsample? Downsample? Clear split and transpose? Reset the configuration? Kill this sample? Abort loading? Load configuration? Save configuration? Old configuration! Load anyway? Disk formatin progressFormatting cyl Verifying cyl Initializing À Protracker Song-Dump -- Made with Protracker 3.11 Songname: Pattern: 00 00 : 0000 0000 0000 00 : C-1 C#1 D-1 D#1 E-1 F-1 F#1 G-1 G#1 A-1 A#1 B-1 C-2 C#2 D-2 D#2 E-2 F-2 F#2 G-2 G#2 A-2 A#2 B-2 C-3 C#3 D-3 D#3 E-3 F-3 F#3 G-3 G#3 A-3 A#3 B-3 --- C-1 D^1 D-1 E^1 E-1 F-1 G^1 G-1 A^1 A-1 B^1 B-1 C-2 D^2 D-2 E^2 E-2 F-2 G^2 G-2 A^2 A-2 B^2 B-2 C-3 D^3 D-3 E^3 E-3 F-3 G^3 G-3 A^3 A-3 B^3 B-3 --- Sample Monitor Verify NoIcons Floppy FileSys DiskName Format QFormat Cancel Press ESC to abort... Yes No Resume Cancel Resume Resume Cancel Cancel Song Samples All Cancel