in the year of 1995 factor gives you this tiny intro called !myspys! enjoy this becauze we dont! hello friends! this time we had in mind giving you our secret recepies for some of our favourite food! lemonhead milkshake! one banana a lots of vanilla icecream vanilla sugar strawberry jam mix in a mixer until the banana is completely crushed. put it all in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. enjoy... courier/estonia icedog deluxe! 0.5l icecream 1 bottle of mustard 1 bottle of ketchup some roasted onions 2 hot dog breads apply the icecream in the breads. apply kethcup and mustard on the icecream. shake the roasted onions on the top of the mustard and ketchup. close your eyes and enjoy your meal... beware! eat this at your own risk! remeber... we are professionals! grape/??? eggmix! 2 eggs a hell lot of coco milk vanilla sugar first mix all this stuff in a mixer! put in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes! drink it! iikk! this sounds rather nasty! but what the heck! try it anyway!! madman pancakes! 2 eggs 4 dl of flour 8 dl of milk mix everything in a bowl. pour some in a hot pan and wait unti the pancake is ready... repeat this algorithm until you have all pancakes ready! well...enjoy them! factor send ass kisses to... yodel contrast tronix moment22 ward nukleus wired das fx spoon polka bros knudde lena complex sardonyx rage legacy balance noice sanity virtual dreams lego dct orient estonia infect duplo iris and all the others... credits for this! code by lemonhead protrackering by opio pixels by lemonhead factor official memberlist sept 95! lemonhead madman polecat opio iceman weasel released at dct in 1995! have a nice night!