Well hi there, and welcome to the latest intro from Focus Design. Lets start with the credits! Main program / intro graphics - Tris Add.program / font - Tome Music - Kollaps. By the way! This is Tris writing ( so what? ) and I want to tell you that we are going to make a GREAT demo called - Mission Nostromo - with programming by Kollaps, Tome, and me, Tris. So, watch out!!!! Greets from Tris fly out to GUNNARS FARVEBIO ( hi! ) ANARCHY ( Yo Sunjohn! Still working on Anarv.....? ) FOCUS DESIGN ( dav!! ) BALANCE DK. ( Mazzachre! Nice music of yours, keep it up! Wolfman! Yo William. 10000000 thanks for the coool sendings. Also a BIG greet to the rest at this meeting! Hey ! Here comes Tome, I will force him to write some text, bye from Tris... .. . Ok, her er Tome. Og now vil I skrive noget in Englishkt... Well enough crap - In the demo mentioned above, my task is to code the introduction and I have made the most brilliant design already. There will be some fucking cool graphics by a new ( and rather unknown ! ) artist. The only greets go to Sunjohn/Anarchy for being a cool mate. And to Kollaps/Focus Design for being a cool code-teacher and a steady supplier of terror-techno - That's all from Tome... See ya'll..................