GeNeSiS presents: TIME PARADOX - aga borntro +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ |Genesis System Report:| |cpu: 68000 -#- fpu:6888 | |Custom chipset: AGA found| | | |You're ok! Intro coming..| +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ |Sorry this intro requires| | 68020+ and AGA! >>>>>CODE>>>BY?>>>>> SKYWALKER>@>PHOENIX> >>>>GRAPHICS>BY?>>>> HIDE>JURI>PANORAMIX> >>>>>MUSIC>BY?>>>>>> >>>>>CORROSION>>>>>> GeNeSiS HAS STARTED! RIGHT MOUSE TO STOP THIS SCROLLTEXT CREDITS FOR THIS SHORT BORNTRO CODE: SKYWALKER PHOENIX GRAPHIC: HIDE JURI PANORAMIX MUSIC: CORROSION PANORAMIX (Leopoldo Schutz) sends --->gREETINGz tO<--- Miura Nuke Kaiowas Marley dDM mAd dEviL pOISONHEAd sTile^sF aLL suPer FuCkErZ aLL oN #AMIGAITA Evita iNTER fC rULEZ !!! pAUL iNCE sTAy wITH uS & 4 Ever aMIGA rULEZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---->fUCKINZ tO<---- dI lENA pENNAKKIETTi fBI dAVIDEX bILL gATES sCHALKE 04 aND fOREVER pC sUXX! ***** PHOENIX ****** (Matteo Pedone) --Greetings to... (in random order) .FRANZ/GNS for all his favours (28;-) and 4 having let me know Leto in order to join Genesis ;-)) Non chiudere la BBS eh!!! B-) .AXEL (A.Consoli) 4 his great support & 4 having lent me his Hardware Reference Manual :-) and (of course) 4 having always helped me when I started to learn ASM...Tnx!!! 6 contento ora? ;-) .LETO/GNS The Genesis Leader 4 having created this wonderful group! and for having given me the chance to join it!... and 4 his interest in "saving" the Italian Scene Cmq 6 un lamer :-) .SKYWALKER/GNS who worked with me 2 code this DeNtro comunque non c'e' bisogno che ti saluto tramite lo scroll text ;-)) .MODEM/DARKAGE 4 his help&advice & above all... for having appreciated my asm routines Allora quando finisci "Freedom"? siamo a Giugno eh! B-) .HEDGEHOG 4 having solved my email problem at last! B-) Cmq ancora non sono riuscito ad iscrivermi su UsaNet :-( .JURI/GNS Hai capito come si fanno le esplosio- ni con LightWave? B-) .PANORAMIX/GNS 4 having been the only 1 in GNS who was able to draw this font! ;-)) Inizia a disegnar- ci qualche bella pic pero'...B-) .& ALL GNS MEMBERS: -MONTEZUMA: inizia a fare un modulo x la prox demo ;-) -CASE: ma la paghi la bolletta del telefono? B-)) B-)) -ICE: Non ho piu' tempo di fare quell' intro :-( -FEDE: Non la dire a nessuno la .... di ... B-)) -MAO: (il piu' attivo membro del gruppo) B-)) -TERMINATOR: Credi ancora di essere nei Zero Defects vero? B-)) -ZACCA: Inizia pure te a fare qualche mod ;-) -BBKANEDA: Voglio un email! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) --Fuckings to...??? ...RANDY??? B-) & P J ******************** -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ *Skywalker greets:* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ JAY MINER for being the man who started it all... Modem of Darkage for being one of the mo- st competent coders around... CIAO! Hedgehog for da same reason, tnx for help AlL dA GeNeSiS MeMbZ but try to be a bit faster, next time!B) Jason Compton, coz I like Amiga Report, and he for being soo much willing on IRC (Quentin Tarantino;) Fabrizio Farenga: he behaved like Jason in a very 'amighian' way... grazie mille. Michele Iurillo: tnx for answering all my letters, BUT I think you shouldn't drink too much caipirinha before answering... Anyway, thanks for EAR: unique in Italy Now a special salute to all people I know and I'd like to know Live long and prosp@ Then just remember: "May the force be with you, always" (Obi Wan Kenobi) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ END OF TRANSMISSION# -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+