df0:0 df0:1 df0:2 df0:3 df0:4 df0:5 df0:6 df0:7 df0:8 df0:9 df0:W df0:X df0:Y df0:Z THE GALLERY CREDITS FOR THIS PRODUCTION GO TO POB - GFX TWILIGHT - MUSIC CYLON - CODING & TITLE PIC REFRESHMENTS - R. WHITES LEMONADE FOOD - FLORENTINO'S PRESS LMB FOR NEXT PAGE, OR WAIT 30 SECS MESSAGE TO ALL PD LIBRARIES THIS DISK MAY BE SOLD BY YOU FOR £1.50, FOR EACH COPY SOLD YOU MUST SEND 50p TO ME AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS MR S SMITH 46 WILLINGHAM ROAD KNAITH PARK LINCS DN21 5ES. WARNING !! Bytes & Pieces have changed their name to Accelerators Unlimited, and in my opinion you would do alot better to buy whatever you are thinking about buying from another company such as Checkmate or Diamond, as I and a number of others have bad experiences with this company! The fact they had to change their name must indicate something! INSTRUCTIONS FOR SLIDESHOW THE WHITE BARS AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN CHANGE COLOUR TO INDICATE THE STATUS OF THE PROGRAMME RED MEANS LOADING NEXT PICTURE BLUE MEANS DECRUNCHING NEXT PICTURE WHITE MEANS CLICK LEFT MOUSE BUTTON FOR NEXT PICTURE OR RIGHT MOUSE TO QUIT IF LEFT THE SLIDESHOW WILL CHANGE THE PICTURES ON ITS OWN. ************************************* YOU CAN NOW CLICK THE LEFT BUTTON TO READ MY GREETINGS OR CONTINUE TO THE SLIDESHOW BY PRESSING THE RIGHT BUTTON ************************************* ************************************* CYLONS GREETS PAGE #1 ************************************* ADAX-Long time no see M8 do IOU a send? AJAZZ-Keep sending those packs. BRENDAN-Where are you matey its been a while CHRIS-Buy an amiga! CHRISSY B-Cluck Cluck Cluck CORDITE-When are you sending back? CLAIRE-Any chance of a hair cut or do I have to wire the house first? DARYL-I'll beat you at pinball. DELBERT-Where are you mate? DEATHLOCK-Thanks for the stuff M8Y FRICTION-How do you expect me to call you if you disconnect to phone bell you nutter. ************************************* CYLONS GREETS PAGE #2 ************************************* LORD FLIGHT-Nice to get a letter! MAVERICK-So you got a Proton, Pronto MR BITE-Get back in contact with me your stuff was cool. MICROLIGHT-1st prize for most hard to read letter MFD-Thanks 4 the send M8Y. MICHELLE-Are you in today? MONTY PYTHON-Whoah big printer or what. MR COOL-Good sends M8Y I'll do another logo soon. mUb-Very strange phone calls indeed M8Y NAVIGATOR-Will you copy me your latest rave tape? NIC-Thanks for Turbo Pascal. OHIO-Hows it going send soon. ************************************* CYLONS GREETS PAGE #3 ************************************* PAZZA-Bad luck mate . PHIL-Is epic in Ha Ha Ha POB-Great GFX mate. ROTOX-Where's the modem? SHAGGRATT-Steal that Mac for me! Please SIDEWINDER-Long time no see. SLASH-Thanks for sending again. SPEED-World record holder for shortest letter in a parcel. SPIRIT-I might show you how to use the answer phone now I've given you it. STEVE.F-Where are you? TORCH-Watch out those men in white coats are coming for you. WATCHMAN-As usual nice GFX. ************************************* CYLONS GREETS PAGE #4 ************************************* URIDIUM-Source code will arrive soon. DAN-Ya sheep worrier you. MARK-You TOTAL LAMER!!! (TURD), Ha Ha (Only kidding Baa ) TEXT WRAP HI EVERYBODY THIS IS ROTOX AT THE KEYS TYPING A BIT OF TEXT FOR THIS AWESOME GHOST RELEASE. HERES SOME CONTACT ADDRESS'S FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO JOIN GHOST OR SWAP WITH GHOST.... FOR JOINING GHOST WRITE TO... ROTOX, 8 BIRKIN LANE WEST, GRASSMOOR, CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE, S42 5ET, ENGLAND. TEL:- +44 0246 853178 AND ASK FOR GARY TO SWAP 0/3 DAY WAREZ WRITE TO... DEATHLOK, 64 OAK ROAD, GRASSMOOR, CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE, S42 5YB, ENGLAND. TEL:- +44 0246 853510 AND ASK FOR DEAN. OR OR WRITE TO... FABIO, 5 PENRYN AVE, ST.HELENS, WA11 9EX, ENGLAND. WHY NOT CALL ONE OF THE ELITE GHOST BOARDS FOR THE LATEST GHOST RELEASES AND NEW WAREZ.... TOWER (WHQ) +44 (0) 253 857 553 - 320 MEGS ON-LINE - 24 HRS - SYSOP/DANGERMOUSE.. GRACELAND +44 (0) 980 536 78 - 250 MEGS ON-LINE - 24 HRS - SYSOP/POACHER.. NOW HERES SOME PERSONAL GREETZ TO SOME FRIENDS... AZI-DIGITAL ELWOOD-DIGITAL COAXIAL-DIGITAL LEXICON-DIGITAL DELBERT-LSD JUKI-LSD PAZZA-LSD SKAVANGER-AFL MARVIN-ANTHROX HIGHLANDER-JESTERS TANTALUS-DESTINY ACE-QUARTZ DAGGER-ALLIANCE ASSASSIN-DIMENSION X ZADD-DIMENSION X SPROGGIT-DIMENSION X REFLEX-DUAL CREW RAZOR BLADE-ALLIANCE MONTY PYTHON-??? SLAINE-??? AND TO ANY OTHERS WHO I HAVE FORGOTTEN **************************************** ___ ___ _________ /\__\ /\__\ /\________\ / / // / / \/__ ___/ / / // / / / / / / / /_\/ / / / / / / ___ / / / / / / // / /___/ / /_ / / // / //\__\/ /__\ \/__/ \/__/ \/_________/ Monty Python here, just thought I would write a few lines spesh for Timbo's missus. This is for you Karren:- Money get back, I'm all right Jack keep your hands of my stack, Money its a hit, Dont give me that do goody good bullshit I'm in the hi-fidelity first class travelling set, And I think I need a Lear jet. Pinky F. now you know the words to sing when the rest of us are trying to enjoy the CD!! **************************************** And a very quick hello to evryone else I know and the following cucumbers:- CYLON Cheers M8Y tnx 4 the chance to type more mindless drivel. BAA BAA Howdy Tim, hows it goin dude. Have ya made yer mind up yet? ECHO Yo Graham, hows the vaseline. I tried lard but its too sticky! MUB You long haired scum bag!!! FISHY, FISHY, FISHY, CRAB Give me yer ard drive or I will never stop pestering you, NEVER EVER STOP!!! TIMBO AKA MAVERICK You have got no chance of ever beating me!!, when it comes to flying the Phantom there can only be one air ace and that's the one and only ICE-MAN!!! CRASH AND BURN BEFORE I BLOW YA AWAY SPIRIT Hello there you old sesspit licker, hows your big green bottom boils M8Y KELLY AKA CHOCOLATE BISCUIT Shut the f*%k up for goodness sake!!! And to everyone else I forgot I would just like to take this opportunity to be the first person to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!!! Byesy Bye from Monty Python. GROUP GREETZ LIST DIGITAL DIMENSION X ANARCHY SKID ROW BITSTOPPERS ALPHA FLIGHT DESTINY QUARTZ DUAL CREW NEMESIS CRYSTAL I.C.S JESTERS FAIRLIGHT ALLIANCE ALCATRAZ DEFORM ANTHROX RELAY CULT EQUINOX KEFRENS STATIC BYTES P.M.C. E.O.C. LUNATICS FUSION SLIPSTREAM BALANCE TECH SANITY LSD RAGE SPACEBALLS SCOOPEX DAMAGE INC ATOMIC MELON DESIGN PARALLAX ANDROMEDA SILENTS SOUNDWAVE PLAGUE RAM JAM REDNEX CONTRAST AXIS PARAGON MAJIC 12 SONIC T.S.B. TRSI RAF VANISH D-TECT AMAZE MIRAGE QUARTEX DEFCON 1 ALLIANCE DESIGN BRAINSTORM CRUSADERS DEADLINE DEVILS DREAMDEALERS REALITY SUPPLEX WIZZCAT PHENOMENA TRACKERS ECLIPSE QUADRIGA CRIONICS VENDETTA Greets to peeps Friction/Rubber Radish sends a few extremely quick greets to: VENOM/Destiny. You red haired Trekkie gimme the address 4 starbase k-7 NARCOTIX/Quartz. Scouse git eh? What was your address again????? CYLON/GHOST. Thanx 4 the spayce m8 (that p***ed you off enough?) ANYONE/THE AMIGA SCENE. TEXT WRAPS THANKS FOR WATCHING. CYLON.. RMB QUIT. So snooping through my code Eh!If you really want it write to me and I will send youthe commented source code for you to play withWrite to Steve, 46 willingham road knaith park lincs.dn21 5es. Englandall amiga format writers are wankers