000 001 000 YES NO GLoBaL oVeR DoSe PReSeNTS Doofus Trainer (+26) .G.O.D. Purge What Was - Fear What Has Yet To Come .G.O.D. 0 0 0Doofus was cracked by Prodigy 0This trainer is a tribute to Freud, who decided to leave the scene. 0 0Interested in joining GOD ? Interested in becoming a dist. site ? 0Contact us at one of our boards. 0 0 4Game Options 4List Of In-Game Keys Page 1/2 4List Of In-Game Keys Page 2/2 4GOD Boardlist 0 0 0 0!!! WHEN THE DRIVE-LEDS FLASH INSERT SOME DISK IN DF0: !!! 0 0 3!!! START DA BLOODY GAME !!! 0 0OPTIONS 0------- 0 1Unlimited Lives 1Unlimited Time 1Unlimited Money 1Unlimited Magic Potions 0 0POTION-OPTIONS 0-------------- 1Unlimited 'Dog Inv.' Time 1Unlimited 'AirBubble' Time 1Unlimited 'Stop Timer' Time 1Unlimited 'Ball-Shield' Time 1Unlimited 'Bombing' Time 0 1In-Game keys 0 4 >> MAIN MENU << 0 0IN-GAME KEYS 1/2 0---------------- 0 0 0 0 0Unlimited Lives On/Off.......................L 0Unlimited Time On/Off........................T 0Unlimited Potions On/Off.....................P 0Unlimited Money On/Off.......................M 0Max. Lives...................................K 0Max. Money...................................N 0Skip Level...................................HELP 0 0 0 0 4>> IN-GAME KEYS PAGE 2 << 4 >> MAIN MENU << 0 0CALL OUR DIVINE BOARDS 0---------------------- 0 0 0 0 0Point Blank (WHQ) +1-6065813776 (6 NODES) [Dalai Lama] 0Boiler Room (USHQ) +1-7166953707 (2 NODES) [Freddy Krueger] 0Dawn Of Eternity(USHQ) +1-5152553212 (5 NODES) [Skeleton] 0Sleep City (EHQ) +31-79-219299 (Dual) [Jaf] 0 +31-79-521171 (HST) 0Bandit's BBS (OZHQ) +61-828-06199 [Bandito] 0 +61-828-09498 0Paradise Dreams (IHQ) +39-573479575 (3 NODES) [HighLander] 0 0 0 0 4 >> MAIN MENU << 0 0IN-GAME KEYS 2/2 0---------------- 0Unlimited 'Dog Invisible' Time On/Off........1 0Unlimited 'AirBubble' Time On/Off............2 0Unlimited 'Stop Timer' Time On/Off...........3 0Unlimited 'Ball-Shield' Time On/Off..........4 0Unlimited 'Bombing' Time On/Off..............5 0Start/Stop 'Dog Invisible' Potion............F1/F6 0Start/Stop 'AirBubble' Potion................F2/F7 0Start/Stop 'Stop Timer' Potion...............F3/F8 0Start/Stop 'Ball-Shield' Potion..............F4/F9 0Start/Stop 'Bombing' Potion..................F5/F10 0Max. 'Dog Invisible'.........................6 0Max. 'AirBubble'.............................7 0Max. 'Stop Timer'............................8 0Max. 'Ball-Shield'...........................9 0Max. 'Bombing'...............................0 0 4 >> MAIN MENU <<