This is uncle Randy on the keyboard day three at Solskogen 2017. Boy has this been a wild ride. Slash started tracking last night and in about two hours he had 32 chiptunes ready to go. A decision was made to release a musicdisk and this is pretty much it. Slash did all of the music, Kuk did the code in a couple of hours while absolutely shitfaced and I did the graphics, font and design. Oh, and I also came up with the production name and the song titles. The overall theme and concept was surprisingly easy to squeeze out. Welcome to 32 Shades of Brown. Slash on the keys. This is a bunch of tunes I finished at the Solskogen 2017 party - some of the tunes was started before and finished at the party and some of em was made from scratch at the party! Enjoy! FIRE IN THE HOLE NUMBER TWO BACKSIDE HARMONIES THE BROWN NOTE HARSH OUTPUT PASSING WIND MASSIVE MANURE MIX THE DUMP OF PAIN BLASTING BUNS DISCHARGE DOWN THE DRAIN SCRATCHING MY SCROTUM THIS IS IT AGAIN EXTREME PRESSURE A SITDOWN WITH DESTINY THE BOWELS OF GLORY GASTRIC OVERLOAD FUNKY FLATULENCE BACK ON DIARRHEA HIGHWAY CHEEK TO CHEEK LEGACY IN B MAJOR EXPRESSION IN EXCREMENT DANGEROUS DROPPINGS WASTE MATTER DUNG MEGAMIX RED HOT MOON THE PORCELAIN POLICE HAVE A SEAT MISTER BOTTOCKS BEATBOX SEE YOU ON THE CAN REAR ENDED WATCH MY SIX