$VER:Coded_anno_1994_by_Zap/Haujobb. 00,-*- tERROR tEMPLE BbS -*- 02,oNE Of tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE 07,Da Numbas: 08, +49-aSK-tHE-ELITE! 09, .oO 2x bSC iSND ^ 2x uSR 33.6 Oo. 14,Da Groups: 15,.oO df! * tbS * tbf * iA * cRC * d&d Oo. 11,Da System Operators: 12,*-> Z-bOY - tOUCHDOWN - REBEL <-* 04,sUPPORTING: 05,aMIGA^pC^cONSOLE^mODULES 17,!Give us a call or you gonna fall! 20,Short Creditz: 22,aLL dUDES iN tHE 23,* sCENE * 28,Always remember: 28, 1996. 28, tERROR tEMPLE bBs! 30,.oOo. .oOo. 30, Strike 30, ya 30, lefty EOP 14,tERROR tEMPLE bBS rULeD eUCH aLLE! 13,/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 15,\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ EOT