credits and acknowledges ( code ) circles on background and one-frame mirror vector done by fuszy, morphing cube by iraner. all other code by captain bifat. ( graphics ) this screen by banana, all other gfx by seal and prince. endpart font by magician of trygon. ( music ) all music by banana. ( design ) main design and concept by captain bifat. call these tek boards / sites : fatal illusion acid slam trials of god crap tower mea culpa ( greetings ) absolute! agnostic front complex defect fairlight hoodlum INFECT MYSTIC quartex sanity sceptic SILENTS TRSI trygon turnips Aga? Just say no... Hello world, this is captain bifat on the keys... well, i've to tell you that i'm pretty happy that we finally managed to complete our long-awaited trackmonstration. secondly i would like to apologize to all my contacts for i did not write back in the last time. by the way... banana wants to tell you something. ok, relax now, cause it's time for some more sophisticated thoughts... i really think that there are at least a million people in this world who are more intelligent than i am, but my problem seems to be that there are at least six million people in this world who are fucking more boring than i am... i mean you may know everything, but you cannot know all the things about everything... so what can you see, live it all about idiots. idiots at home, idiots at school and idots everywhere. worst are these old people in busses. i have to say that i just cannot stand old people, especially old old people in busses... panic to get in, panic to get a place to sit and panic to get out, i just cannot stand it. ok, you are waiting for some more sophisticated stuff... how can anyone write anything sensible in this times? people are slaughtering each other for reasons that seem to me like entertainment. as liebermann said: i cannot eat as much as i want to puke. things seem to go wrong all around us. the things we continue to do are going to university, drinking, discussing about stupid things like frame rates, baud rates, processors, capacities and stuff like this. shouldn't talk about some more reasonable stuff, like girls, food, cars and so on... ok, you may say it is hard to get me criticized, but i do not care. the other thing is that left and right stuff going on in germany. you are a nazi, or you may be an anarchist, just depending on a mood, all this discussions just bore me off, cause it depends on a simple statement whether you are left or right, mostly it is like this: you like drinking, you are a nazi, you like smoking pot, you are a punk and that's the basis for smashing each others heads. get some more reasonable stuff to do instead of smashing each others heads. for you people it's more all about things that you may consider meaningless later. hi, this is captain bifat again... banana's off now for getting a cigarette and some alcohol. pba just said hacking and cracking is cooler than coding demos... i don't know because i never cracked a game and he doesn't know because he never coded a trackmo. well, mac is keen on writing some shit now... huh it seems as if capt. bifat is quite pissed off. hm iraner says: cybersex is cool! now he's absolutely keen on wanking in front of bifats a3000! suddenly everybody seems to think that i will write anything genius, but that's complete crap. bifat emptied the half bottle of burp-on wiskey and he is quite loosing control, no don't hit me! .....smak.... now they are discussing who ate how much 'schnittsche' (sandwiches), really silly. but: lass aber iraner drinne! hm, what the hell should say this genius sentence to us? burp! yak, my stomache aches under the high amount of beer, nooot! something i have to state now: we are radical anti-nazis! die you suckers! hahaha, how silly coders behave! smoking damages your purse, hahaha. who in the world created the word 'deutschland'. this sounds not sophisticated, don't you think so? it means land of the germans, silly for sure. this is everybodys land and i am not proud to be born here and not proud to live here. this is a land which sinks into monarchistic and extreme conservative forms and measures again and that's no developement, this is a step back. i think i will imigrate to a foreign country like new zealand or something like that. where is the freedom of speech and the freedom of devil-dopement and personal perspectives? rage everybody, rage! kill'em before they kill you! ok, this is enuff crap for now. i hope you will not be encouraged to kill yourself now but i would like to see you doin' it! finally, you've reached the very last byte of rampage. and never forget - the saga continues. the electronic knights - licenced to brill.