bytes pixels The linear IFF-ILBM modulo cruncher V 2.0 (C) 1987/88 The Third Wave Programmed by A.J.Brouwer Enter crunch speed (1-9) : Usage : IFFCR sourcefilename TO targetfilename Sorry : Bad Arguments Error : Can't open source file Error : Source file is not an IFF file Error : Out of memory Error while reading file Error : Source file is no ILBM Error : Source file didn't contain a BMHD chunk Error : Source file didn't contain a CMAP chunk Error : Not enough memory to open the screen Screen Width : Screen Height : Bit Planes : Source IFF file is not compressed Pure bit plane data size : Crunch Code = Bit Plane = The data doesn't get any smaller. I quit. Error : Can't open target file Error while saving file Crunching complete. No errors. Original length : Target length : Crunched length :