Interview with Flame
By Magnatop
as appeared is acrylic weekly issue two
(magnatOp) Alright.
(flame_ ) woo
(magnatOp) How did you first get involved with 'the art scene'?
(flame_ ) soul rebel of ice is in my area code, and he ran a board called
eleutheria. it was an art board, as you might guess. anyways,
i got some packs, and checked them out, and a guy i know named
bleached enmity showed me thedraw.
(magnatOp) I think we all (we being art scenesters) started from the draw. :)
(flame_ ) that's because thedraw is krad.
(magnatOp) Yes, yes it is.
(magnatOp) What was your first group?
(flame_ ) my first scene group was anemia.. although i never had a chance to
release with them.
(magnatOp) Anemia was cool.
(magnatOp) Uhm.. since I know you sorta good, I know that you have a unique
perspective upon the scene as a whole. Alot of people think that
other people take the scene too seriously, what do you think about
the lifestyle scenesters live?
(flame_ ) i think irc is ripping the scene apart in some ways.. then again,
it has helped to keep everyone together. *shrug* .. it's like
we're stuck. i just think #ansi should be cleaned up. i think
art is art, even if it's little blocks on the screen. it should
be viewed as art.. it's a picture of the person's mind.
(magnatOp) Would you say that #ansi isn't really a channel for actual ansi
artists, but rather a hangout for people who either used to be,
or never were ansi artists?
(flame_ ) yes.. for instance, tguardian. he doesn't have anything better
to do than to fuck with people on irc, and act gay. all the
"i'm gay" shit sprouted from him. at least half of the channel
doesn't draw, or never did.
(magnatOp) how come #porn isn't a channel? (head editor's note: yeah, why not?)
(flame_ ) it's sad to see people actually say he's cool, or, to even see
them look up to him.
(magnatOp) :)
(magnatOp) don't answer that.
(magnatOp) Yeah. I think that's the problem with #ansi. That and remorse
is too nice.
(magnatOp) If, for some strange reason, someone who isn't directly involved
with the scene reads this, what would you like to say to them?
Besides, don't come to #ansi to make scene friends.
(magnatOp) And the usual "keep trying, you'll get better"
(flame_ ) "don't pay attention to the gayness".
(flame_ ) *shrug*
(magnatOp) good call.
(magnatOp) Anything else you'd like to add?
(flame_ ) hmm..
(flame_ ) don't burn yourself out on ansi. just be patient with it, and
take your time..
(magnatOp) Yeah.. that's cool.
(magnatOp) That'll be good.
(magnatOp) Thanks, dude <highfive>
(flame_ ) *smack*
Word from the editor:
I think flame is one of the most unique individuals I have ever met in
the scene. He can be very incitefull at times, and is generally a very nice
person. Not only that, but he hangs out in #ansi (efnet) and he can actually
dewdle. So, for those of you who don't know flame, say hi sometime. Don't
be surprised if he doesn't answer, he's busy talking to people in #teen. :)
Also, I'd just like to thank flame for letting me interview him.
+--> magnatOp