px and chango interview,
as appeared in acrylic weekly issue six.
IRC log started Tue Dec 31 13:11
(pX) log is aWN!@!
(@ewheat) oh doh.
(@ewheat) jeah jeah!@
(@ewheat) sodium will phear!@#
(cHANG0) wowee
(pX) wORD!@#
(@ewheat) okay. I"ll start off.
(@ewheat) Who the hell are you guys?
(pX) huh?
(cHANG0) I am er33t chango the master of all
(@ewheat) I sED, wHO tHe HELL aRE yEW gUYS?
(pX) 3t; eye yam phaserX.. no phea' dat sON!
(cHANG0) I SED I AM er33t cHAnG0#@%*&!@#$
(@ewheat) I'm Ewheat. Emmanuel Ewheat. Doodleboy.
(@ewheat) okay. What groups are you in?
(pX) i speak ebonics fluently.. you besta beleedat sON!
(cHANG0) Iyum currently a free agent.
(cHANG0) I speeak ewokese
(cHANG0) nugnug
(pX) 3t; i am in acid!ansi.. they are cool..
(@ewheat) I dIDDNY aSK wHAT lANGUGAGE!@
(@ewheat) acid!ansi, that is very good.
(pX) Napalm Death gives me free tewshy in exchange for a dewdle..
(@ewheat) How did you guys originate in the scene? On yer 300 baud modems?!@
(cHANG0) on my 1200 baud modumb
(pX) 3t; actually.. when i started the scene, it was 1992.. and i was on a 2400 baud.. and 4800 was leet then..
(@ewheat) Why did you join the scene?
(@ewheat) and how?
(cHANG0) it hauled asssets. and nobody loved me cuz I was toooo slow..
(pX) 3t; i didn't wunt to.. dark deception got me started.. he MADE me join #ansi one day.. and i fell in love with valgamon and
cavalier *they ran the channel at the time*..
(cHANG0) i joined the scene with my cool compuserve account and mIRC @@$#&&*!
(@ewheat) wowsers!@
(@ewheat) Valgamon was the dogg!!!!
(pX) 3t; yes.. he was.. and he had skills when it came to doggy stylez..
(@ewheat) What material of art do you people produce? Ansi/vga/ascii?
(@ewheat) He did?!
(cHANG0) assholekey/lit
(@ewheat) lit!
(pX) Haluan on Dr. Pepper ey Ding Dongs!#@!
(pX) i produce ansi.. logos only..
(@ewheat) Please state the #'s on your mom's Visa/Mastercard and/or Discover cards.
(@ewheat) *and exp date*
(cHANG0) I was in acidjazz's ereet lil toe. even before it hit the iRC. now it's dead.
(pX) BTW, that was finish for "I Want my Dr. Pepper and Ding Dongs!#@!"
(@ewheat) I remember toe.
(@ewheat) Haluan on Dr. Peper ey ding dongs!#!
(pX) chang0; i remember that.. i was in it tew..
(cHANG0) toe.
(cHANG0) tOE.
(@ewheat) guys... I cannot continute with this interview if you dont give me those #'s.
(pX) 3t; 0113 6441 3002 0056 exp: 12/98..
(@ewheat) It is vital information.
(@ewheat) Allright.
(@ewheat) pX may continute.
(cHANG0) I tegged toe all over local liqour storez...
(cHANG0) Hold on. I get mine....
(pX) c0; i stubbed my tOE coming out of local liquor stores..
(@ewheat) pX - what groups have you been in the past?
(pX) i have been in cia, tribe *but it died like 2 days later*, ice-trial *but it died too*, cia, thInk, cia, and now acid!ansi..
i have been in other misc groups.. but they are small noname groups..
(pX) and i used to be in ascii groups.. i forgot which one though.. i think i used to be in kTS!ascii, and remorse ascii or something..
(pX) but that was too far back to remember..
(cHANG0) oohoooh1#^@!$% Real # Mastercard 5418 8703 7020 9653 Exp 02/98
(@ewheat) ice-trial!@ some of the members used rAGE v.99 ansi editor!@
(pX) 3t; eYE dID!@#
(@ewheat) chang0 - thank you, you may continute now!
(pX) not..
(pX) :)
(@ewheat) chang0 - what groups have you been in the past? Besides ToE?
(@ewheat) "cHANG0!poop@max2-mv-ca-23.earthlink.net" its real
(pX) i hope this is logging..
(@ewheat) It is!
(pX) that would suck if it's not..
(@ewheat) yeah, this is a good interview.
(-pX-) "ewheat" mine is fake..
(-pX-) "ewheat" :)
(cHANG0) 3t: I was gonna be in forge, and was in a local group ISC
(@ewheat) "pX!phaserx@atlas.berkshire.net" mine is fake..
(cHANG0) Insane Sublime Creators
(pX) i listen to rap.. ewheat, what do you listen to?
(@ewheat) Now, scene-wise, what are your opinions on the twilight/acid conflict? Is there a such thing? Or it's just utter bullshit.
(@ewheat) I listen to whatever wendel listens!@
(cHANG0) hey, my # is real, why dont somebody do something with it
(pX) just utter bullshit..
(pX) bunch of babies.. :)
(cHANG0) utter bullshit here too
(@ewheat) cHANG0 - the people in acrylic will use it for something useful!
(cHANG0) heh. buy an acrylic BUS and cruize the USA
(@ewheat) What about Dieznyik uploading the twilight pack as acdu*.zip on cdrom.com?
(pX) i already carded a p200 w/132mb ram, and a gNU 33.6k modem.. and a Sparc20 station..
(cHANG0) gooooodamnit
(@ewheat) erhm!@ What about Dieznyik uploading the twilight pack as acdu*.zip on cdrom.com?
(@ewheat) Funny?
(pX) 3t; that was just funny as hell.. or so i thought.. :)
(@ewheat) Stupid?
(@ewheat) Horsehit?
(pX) a lot of people thought it was stupid..
(cHANG0) stupido
(pX) uNF! uNF! uNF!
(@ewheat) Again with the scene, what groups seem to have the most affect on the scene, do you think? Nowdays people are saying
"the scene aint shit" or so... but do you think any particular groups actually have impact?
(pX) ohh.. sorry..
(pX) 3t; i dunnot think ANY groups have an impact on the scene.. i think that the ARTISTS have an impact on the scene..
(cHANG0) the best scene group is.. .. um. Tough choice.
(@ewheat) pX - such as? if you can name any.
(pX) 3t; well, you dew, i dew.. nuff said... :)
(@ewheat) pX - :)
(pX) PLEASE be logging.. PLEASE!#@!
(pX) otherwise we have to do this again.. :)
(cHANG0) goddamnitthatmotherfuck nyt_ justpingedme@#Y^@(#^
(cHANG0) I got it logging too..
(pX) lemme check to see if it's logging.. brb
(@ewheat) I'm sorta running low on questions... I shall conclude this interview...
(@ewheat) Acrylic... stupid or not?
(cHANG0) how about. penis size?
(@ewheat) Hmm.
(@ewheat) allright.
(@ewheat) State penis sizes.
(cHANG0) oh. acrylic good, fongu better.
(@ewheat) woah!
(@ewheat) fongu!@
(@ewheat) Haluan on Dr. Pepper ey ding dongs!#!
(cHANG0) si.
(cHANG0) penis size imflater 50 feet, not, 1 inch
(@ewheat) That's a pretty good size you got there, lad.
(cHANG0) inflated that is
(pX) yeahp.. it logged it.. cool..
(cHANG0) ya I went to the doctor. blood comes out of my legs and arms and into lil weewee
(pX) my penis is 9 inches..
(@ewheat) woah!
(pX) limp.. (ed (dngr): coughbullshitcough).
(cHANG0) I got a special operation so that would happen.
(@ewheat) I wen to the doctor and took an urine test, the doctor came back with my urine and an olive in it...
(pX) 3t wants his dr.pepper and ding dongs.. :)
(@ewheat) He sed.
(@ewheat) px - Acrylic... stupid or not?
(pX) 3t; i like acrylic..
(pX) it gets me hard..
(@ewheat) What about the concept of a weekly zine?
(cHANG0) I just skip the hard part..
(@ewheat) As opposed to the common monthly-zine.
(cHANG0) weekly zines rule
(pX) 3t; i like the idea of a weekly zine.. it keeps the scene updated weekly.. :)
(cHANG0) ala RCN
(@ewheat) rcn is bi-weekly. :)
(pX) and it gives you something to read on the borring mondays..
(cHANG0) 3t -RCN is dead. and way weekly for a long time
(@ewheat) *nod*
(@ewheat) Rebel Chicken has a little dick.
(pX) is this interview done yet? :P
(@ewheat) *But sodium has a big one!@ *nudge nudge**
(@ewheat) Yeah.
(@ewheat) It's done!
(@ewheat) Stop logging, you!@
(pX) shhewld i stop the log?
(@ewheat) stop it!@#%
(cHANG0) oh ya. he needed to get an operation like mine
IRC log ended Tue Dec 31 13:31