news archive > news

  april 1997

the major competition network 97 will be graded on the 18th and 19th..

comic!ascii released its first pack, headed up by spinn and mess..

the worlds largest art group, ACiD Productions, in an attempt bring ansi back to ACiD, has formed a new ansi division is called AVENGE. Although the old members are still intact, some new faces also exist. Avenge, headed by White Trash, will release as a seperate entity on the 1st of May.. Be ready for some great ansi..

after 4 months of doing absolutely nothing, ie. jack shit, apocalyptic visions (aka AV) have emerged from the depths of nothingness and released there 15th pack. AV, fORCE Production's main australian rival, has laying dorment from what seems to have been a lack of communication - that's an understatement.. :) well, good luck guys.. good to see ya's back.. (if you ever left).

kitiara has been running from ACiD (escaping from frisky members), to end up with the 'impetent' iCE members.. (bad pun i know..)

diez has called off the network '97 compo. The competition was supposed to be a scene affair, but no-one was interested it seems. Diez's last count was 7 entries.. I'm disappointed too, because I thought it had great potential to be a showcase for the scene.. oh well..

raw joined the scene..

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