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Avenge #13
by Ministaaa & Ralgoth | Download pack

Avenge hit us hard for a second time this year. Some big changes occuring in the Avenge memberlist, first off Whitetrash changed his name to SalvationX and they lose long time member and friend Spot and recieve Vampire of tehran. But the big news seems to be that Azrael, a long time member of the once unbeatable ACiD ANSI CREW joins the ranks of Avenge and with that adding a new medium to the cult.

With all this change you would think Avenge would be struggling to get everything organize and ready to release, but the senior staff did an excellent job getting submissions in on time and releasing on the 1st as they like to do. The pack was very organized and professional and not to mention that the art was top notch quality art.

Some key ingrediants in this hearty-meal of artistical talent, were two pics that stood out from the rest were, SVX-ICET.ANS, this as to be the best ansi I've seen from Whitetrash(SalvationX) since his Batman and Joker ansi in the first avenge release. Perfect perportions and a kickass background, what more can you ask?

Another outstanding ingrediant is, VA-AVENG.ANS, from their newest star Vampire of Tehran. This ansi scared me a little bit because of its dark and eerie look. Also, the quality of the art is nothing short of outstanding. (BTW: This guy draws alot like Fever doesn't he?)

Every ansi in the pack was excellant, and without the help of Creator, this pack deserves a 4 out of 5 score. Good job Avenge, keep up the work.

- Minister


This pack, to begin with was very dissapointing to me. After a great showing with the anniversary
pack, and this pack being hyped, I expected Avenge 13 to blow everything else out of the water, but it was sorely lacking. Were it not for strong showings by svx, a great .rip by azrael, and guest work in joints, this would be a very mediocre pack.

The "surprise" picture in the pack, from that old acid guy was really not of any great quality, was just nice because it was original. Besides that there was little to no shading, it cut off abruptly, and was very bland in color. Some of the artists need to start picking up the slack and not let people in other groups carry the load in joints. Creator, the leader, needs to come through more strongly with some work of his own and more quality shading.

On a better note, great guest pics and a great showing by svx. It's good to see that someone in the group is still pumping out some quality, long ansis... keep it up svx! And the addition of .rip into the group is a great idea, it's good to see some stuff from azrael again!

- ralgoth




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