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Ice 9901
by Ministaaa & Ralgoth | Download pack (a, b, c, d)

Well what can I say? Ice artists must still be hung-over from the New Years, but its nice to see that
Toon Goon and Trip are staying sober and doing what they do best. Not alot of Ansi submissions from the collective this month, but the people who did submit did an excellent job. Alot of logos and 25 liners to fill up space on our HD, but people need these sort of things for their Boards I guess. This is not one of my favorite Ice packs, but they could have done worse right?

There are two pics in the pack that make it worth the download and a good look see. Toon Goons, TG-S200.ANS, and Trips, TI-SEX.ANS. Both pics have excellent shading, perportions and all in all good originality in the idea.

Since everyone is still hung-over in Ice and they didn't invite me to their party, I give iCE a score of 2. Better luck next time guys.

- Minister



This pack was nice all around. It would have been nice to see more from some of the artists, but everything there was quality.

It's great to see Black Guard back doing rip, and him and the rest of the rip crew have proved once again that they have the best rip department.

In the ansi department, Quip had a bunch of great 25 liners and a nice pic, toon goon had his normal great showing of a half naked women, and trip got a little crazy with his nude skills. All in all it was nice, more pics and less logos would have been good

- ralgoth




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