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Revolt #01
by argon | Download pack

This is the first independant Revolt release since a very different group released Revolt24, quite a long time ago. The group still contains a few members of the old crew, however, and their revival pack shows much promise of things to come. Luke Skywalker opens up the pack thematically with a wide variation of lit topics ranging from oppression and longing to sunsets and relationships. This kind of diversity is the right way to start off a revival.

The pack's best poem is "Sara" (dd-sara.txt), written by Devin Davidson a.k.a. Hiro Protagonist. The lit reads very smoothly as intended, stays faithful to its theme, and shows very mature, thoughtful writing. Also worthy of mention is Luke Skywalker's "revolt" (ls-revlt.txt) which is almost stifling in its imagery,
definitely the writer's intention.

Overall, this pack doesn't deliver on the "Wow" factor. There are some great lits, however they are too few and far between to warrant the deluge of mediocrity making up the bulk of the pack. Some good diversity and interesting themes save the day, however, making it worth checking out.

- argon

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