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Avenge #14
by offset (minister) | Download pack

Well a nice avenge pack all in all, but compared to last months pack, this is pack is laughable. Avenge 14 seemed to be a usual avenge pack, alot of logos and small pics. I am not one to say that logos and small pics aren't art, but when I download a pack I want to see worked on pieces that looked finished, so I just didn't get what I wanted this pack! I do give 3 artists in Avenge for pulling their weight and then some!

Argon, Luminous and Mydknight are the ones that made this pack look good. Argon just amazed me with is ts style outlines and is pascal colored dragon pic, Luminous with his greatly improved ansi skill (lets see him do it again) and finally mydknight with is elite full screen japanese anime ansi which I always adore to look at.


(Ar-ANSI.ANS) This is a great pic! It starts off slow until you get to the eyes and then the rest of the pic just explodes out at you! The flame looks well done, and the background is kinda hard to understand, but I finally figured it out! (the dark grey was the smoke from the flame!) The pascal color schemes look very nice. And to top it off the font fits right in with the pic
perfectly. Good Job, keep up the good work man.

(L-gumf01.ans) Now I know what you might be thinking, this pic is plain and has alot of distorted shading. Well I would agree in most cases, but if you also have to see that this ansi is a major improvment for Luminous and I actually think the shading looks cool and gives the pic a little less boring. The mountainous background was good, a little boring, but it still a background, and not alot of people these days had backgrounds.

Now if your surprised that I didn't give vampare of tehran a spot in the top 2 pic list, its because basically just did one side of the outline and flipped it. If you disagree the proof is in the purple glasses. It looks cool and could have been alot better if he worked on it a bit more and harder, but I guess his 100% elite RIP graphic pictures took most of his time this month.

To be fair, I will give this Avenge pack a rating of 3.

- offset (minister)




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