Directory listing of /party/tp97/amiga/demo
To parent directory
  ftr-mellow.l    325k Tue Dec 30 01:22:28 1997
  ht-stag1.dms    818k Tue Dec 30 01:22:31 1997
  ht-stag2.dms    378k Tue Dec 30 01:22:32 1997
  jrm-lops.lha    326k Tue Dec 30 01:22:33 1997
  jrm-lops.txt      3k Tue Dec 30 01:22:33 1997
  led-remi.lha   1635k Tue Dec 30 01:22:39 1997
  led-remi.txt      6k Tue Dec 30 01:22:39 1997
  power.lha       933k Tue Dec 30 01:22:42 1997
  power.txt       107b Tue Dec 30 01:22:42 1997
Total of 9 files, represents total size of 4428 kbytes