Dear People, I cannot believe this is happening. Only hour back I have been informed personally by people at the Swedish Health Care Institute that we cannot be arranging Tribute 1996 at WalkOver, Gothenburg. We have debated the issue, but they still claim it is a question of fire, escaperoutes in case of emergency and oxygen. The Manager of the nightclub does not want to oppose rules and restrictions, that could cause him to close the entire club and therefore we have come to the conclusion that we will have to cancel the entire TRIBUTE 1996-party. I am deeply sorry for all of you who were planning to go, but it is an impossible task finding a new location for 200 people within 3 short days. With all the luck in the world, we may be making a new attempt next year. If people still have the faith. Thanks for believing in the concept, and once again our deepest apologies for the inconvenience. Regards, The Tribute Assosication