\I[Gfx-Twins - Twins of Art!|By Frame|Section: Personalities] \F1\M\1(Continued from last page.) \3 \3- Do you always agree with each other when it comes to graphical matters? Aren't there much to discuss regarding styles, techniques, motives etc? \2- It might sound funny, but there is no need to discuss styles, techniques or whatever. Our thoughts concerning these things are in most cases exactly the same. There are certainly some things to talk about, but we always solve problems very quickly. We like the same artists and we have developed our own 'style' (if we can say so...) and we complete one another, if you know what we mean... \3- What's the most positive and the most negative things with cooperating? \2- Well,that's a good question and good that you mentioned that specific aspect. So... let's come to the negative things. MMMhhhh...HUHUHU... there are no! Now, let`s go on with the positive things. Well, it is cool to hang around with each other by having fun and cool talks with jokes during our paint activity. We actually do not want to sit in front of our screens without each other. This would be boring and we would not be enough motivated. On the other hand, we have a lot of fun stealing disks from each other... \3- I must ask you, do you redraw any of your pictures from non-scene artists work? \2- Surely we do so, as most of the other scene artists do likewise (Would you murder too if everybody else murdered? /t0j), but our aim is to style and design own graphics. We work on that as a parallel to our scene career. We will try to combine some of our self-drawn things with the scene stuff in the near future. Now, we aren't that concerned with art from non-sceners, we just collect any good-looking photo or whatever from different magazines or books. Not always BORIS, KELLY, or MATTHEWS. We appreciate also very well-painted comics, like the DEN-comics or Mercenario. \3- Does this much discussed matter really disturb you? Why? Do you think it is okay in any way to redraw others work? \2- No, it doesn't disturb us! We think it's not fair to copy pictures in general, but if we copy some poster-book-art, then we try to paint some style in the picture. For instance we dither variously, so that the picture get an own style and looks quite different to the original. In all pictures we paint, we try to include something that flies out of our brains directly onto the screen - with a little help from a mouse. \3- Boris Vallejo, Rodney Matthews and Salvador Dali, as you mentioned, are some very known non-scene artists. Do you ever bother to think about such artists? If yes, who are Your favourites, and why? \2- The most copied one is certainly BORIS and that's sad, because there are thus so many similar pictures that this really pisses us off. The motives in the books of BORIS are the best we have ever seen (HUHUHUH) and his art is very unique - one more reason not to copy his work all the time. We respect BORIS's art and are a kind of fans. We have also books of the other artists mentioned above, but we do not copy their works. We collect this stuff. We have some favourite artists like KEN KELLY, POWER or ROWENA. SALVADOR DALI is not a typical artist that is copied very often. We discussed him and his life in some lesson at school (I wonder why. Could it be that...? /t0j) and are secret fans of his strange art. He has a funny manner to name his works...we like that! \3- Sometimes, inspiration is hard to find when you really want to draw a picture, a logo or something else. Where do you get it from? Or maybe there's no need of inspiration at all? \2- Inspiration? We are abnormal geezers. Our fantasy is still alive, more than in our childhood, we guess. We develop and imagine all kind of effects, graphics and logo-designs. We need only a particular thing, a strange building, a stature, a piece of a poster, cover or whatever and then automatically a new thing is ready to be realized on paper and later on screen. We mostly also feel inspired of some good graphicians, for instance MADE, RA, FACET, YOU (yes, Frame you, too.) These guys have a specific 'style' and we appreciate their work, but would never try to steal their 'style'. \3\M \S[Articles/Gfx-Twins3.txt]\2\3Press this line to continue!