REALTIME TXT SV2k14 __sign on... 4 grudnia, g.18.11 18.00ish hours? Pretty bubbles everywhere! CiH on the German shaped keys here. This is a nice keyboard. Looks like it's been cleaned up too. The keys mostly respond when you hit them. Note for Grey - Gdansk Airport is broken! They have no Instrument Landing System (ILS) working, so if the weather is a little bit iffy, pilots strongly object to going "Whee - splat!" on the runway with their expensive passengers and aircraft. So we ended up at an ex-military base beginning with the letter 'B'. And an extra bus journey of limitless hours duration. Still, we made it here, thursday evening, and that's what counts. It's a small preview party, with a dozen or so early arrivals. One other thing. We have sorted out mood lighting in our room at the hostel. Not quite sure what for? CiH - Time for more nonsense later. MarcinC & Patu on board Friday at 3 am. + ~ Dobry Wieczor :) Tu bylem 2014.12.04, 19:15 huj laWKI, LAWKI, LAFFFKI... Fszendyie lawki!!!! 21.42 Been for an amazingly keen meal and drinkies in the old town. Around 50 ZL in total. Now must not fall asleep in inappropriate places... CiH MooseFS is the best Tronic Hi bye nite!!! huj Yup, I did it again :) Arf. Grey / Mystic Bytes p.s. Special hugs to all ppl who supported me today. sOnar melduje sie z ekipa w piatek o 4:23 ojaacieniepiredddole...lothare polej... guSTaw marekp - fkoncu pifko. Official Day One 09.44 Morning! We're back and almost awake.... Felice had a mishap with his drive towards pure Euro adaptor usage at the party, with some rogue adaptors that were described as Euro, but weren't quite. It looks like we're going to need to scrounge cables this morning, if we are to have proper oldschool Atari STE action at the party. Never mind, breakfast is soon. CiH. 09.54 Small update - We have two thirds of a working STE set-up, with adaptors and cables located for the STE and UltraSatan. Just need something for his screen now. This year, at least I have a laptop with a working battery. CiH. 10:00 JAC! has arrived After my plane had to land in Posznan instead of Gdansk I enjoyed a 5h bus trip and arrived at 1am at the airport. I went to the hostel and when I woke up abnd looked out of the window I saw a car with a number plate: P1 ATARI Then I knew everything was OK :-) 10:50 We made it! What a way to go. Should have arrived here yesterday at 10:00 AM. But the pussy pilot :) decided to take us to Warsaw. With a 4 hour delay and a 6 hours bus ride we managed it to arrive at the Gdansk airport. But we are here now, that counts. Already meet a lot of people from last year and starting to get into the party mood. huj 11.36 The breakfast posse has been and done. A lot more chairs and tables are arriving. It also looks like we've managed to scrounge enough connectors and a spare screen for Felice's STE. So the situation has promise. CiH. 11.57 Finally made it ! Got my STe working at last, with a borrowed monitor from Piter - many thanks mate - come and find me here sometime and I will give you some zlotys for some beer later on. Felice. 13.22 C'mon the rest of you! Update on the ongoing travelling calamities. It appears that there will be more diverted and delayed flights, the weather being too similar to yesterday. Tronic has reemerged from his prolonged sleep. I have acquired vodka for laters! There are more people here but things are still set to a pre-party state at this time. No free beer yet, in other words. CiH. Hello Everyone :) XTD / Lamers 15.05 Airport situation still sucks. Deez and Baggio have been dumped at Warsaw, they are hiring a car to get here. gwEm and others have landed at the strange airport we were at yesterday. There are lots of visitors, but most of the international visitors are being prevented, it seems. CiH. 15:57 Hehe, reading CiH's lines above makes me really happy that I got the idea of arriving to PL two days earlier. I came by plane, spent two days 200km away and took a train. No probs whatsoever :) MiKRO / MSB 16.41 At least you managed to overcome the travel weirdness. If this keeps up, getting back could be, interesting... The party is a lot busier and louder. Someone is playing some very ambitious Spectrum 128 and Atari 8-bit demos on the big screen. I've had a quiet afternoon including sorting out Felice's UltraSatan STE desktop so that isn't fugly anymore. The free beer is active, it will be dinner and wine/vodka o'clock shortly. Ah, sound of bottle being opened. CiH. cze tu gorgh, gadamy o party wszelakich w polszy, jest kool 17.15 The someone who CiH referred to earlier is actually Yerzmyey, one of Gasman's associates within Hooy-Program and the wider scene :) He put on a great show with the pre-release Speccy 2020 device, apparently due to be released via Lotharek sometime soon. As the other guys have written, there appear to be major problems at Gdansk airport due to the fog and the systems the pilots use having problems as a result. It is a relief that it wasn't Heathrow as it would have been another incompetence report and yet another public inquiry, or waste of money if that was the case. Lessons are not learned in UK, hopefully the controllers in Gdansk will work something out that does actually work in full on the ground. Ryanair have dumped a number of international sceners at Bydgoszcz without a free bus ride up to Gdansk. I must say that WizzAir did us proud yesterday by providing buses at no extra charge, not even a nominal charge, to us personally and they have to be seriously thanked for their actions. My wife and I were stuck in Spain back in 2010 when the ash cloud situation hit back then and the airline we were flying with then, Easyjet, just dumped on us with no help whatsoever. Anyway, don't want to bore people reading this, so I will sign of :) Felice. huj 17:50 piatek: weszli amigowcy 17:52 Atari group from Olomouc (Czech Rep.) arrived. wieczor wrocil . 2014.12.05, 18:05+ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ huj Greetz from ALTAIR co za party! juz mnie dupa boli od tych wszystkich chlopakow. 18:33 lsl/checkpoint just arrived.. I'm f'n damn exhausted Some time or other.. Yay! Defjam has arrived, the party is saved! Vodkatime! CiH. Lamersi wyszli na kreske na zewnatrz. Piwo sie konczy. Rozwazamy okupacje sali zanim sie nie znajdzie jszcze jedna beczka~ 19:55 Piw” sie sk”ncyzl” :( juz jest, amiga ruleyy