replay.exe PPShow map.gif >NIL: TraNcEtIp/dCN! DECISION pRESENTS tHE vOYAGE pARTY iNVITATION wELCOME sUCKER 2 dA iNVITATION 2 dA tOTALLY rULIN' dECISION vOY/\GE p/\RTY! tAKIN' pLACE oN tHE 11tH oF nOVEMBER iN sOME cOOL'N fREAKY lOCATION U sHOULD bE aBLE 2 fIGURE oUT! dA cREDITS fOR dIS iNSANE mESS mUST gO 2: tRANCETIP/dCN 4 dA gIGANTIC cODE & mUZAK zAPHODD/dCN 4 dA gROOVY gFX sCANDIC/dCN 4 dA tOTALLY tRIPPIN' tEXTS! rEAD dA sPECS aBOVE aND gET mAD!! 2 B oR nOT 2 B? jUST B tHERE! C U tHEN, fOLKS! bYE 4 nOW. sIGNING oFF, tRANCETIP. AMIGA - Simply Gold! iT'S mORE tHAN a dECISION! H E L P : ~~~~~~~~~ Ah, so U need help. Call 110! This service is available all thru Germany! B^) Click on the arrow buttons < and > to scroll thru all those interesting pages. If U wanna C the location of the great party, click on the MAP-button. If you wanna have a look at the masters, click on the CREDITS-button. Leave this shit with the X-marked button. - 15 secs page! - C R E D I T S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This senile production was hacked up by the following lunatics: tRANCETIP -> Code, Muzak zAPHODD -> Gfx (logo & buttons) sCANDIC -> Text It's just a question of honour! ;-) - 15 secs page! - ___ ._____________ ____________ .__ .__. | \| __/ /\_// ___/\__/ \| \| | | | \ _/ \ \_/\/ \\____ \/ \ | \ _ \_ | | ! \ \ / / \ \ \! / \ \ | l____/____/___\___\-Ix-__/___/_/|__|\__| tHE vOYAGE^pARDY 1995 cOLOGNE/gERMANY sATURDAY 11th 2 sUNDAY 12th of nOVEMBER W H A T : ~~~~~~~~~ The VOYAGE-PARTY is coming up! W H E N : ~~~~~~~~~ The party will take place on Saturday, the 11th of November. Entrance will be at 7.00 pm. The party will last until 9.00 am on Sunday. W H E R E : ~~~~~~~~~~~ The party will be held in Cologne/ Germany. It will take place in a big building near the Computer `95 with more than 500 square meters of action place! There will be a 250 square meters competition-area with a stage, a bistro/ chill-out area with a bar, kicker and billard, as well as some other rooms with desks where you can talk, sit and use (or abuse) your computers. The address of the partyplace is: Jugendpark Koeln e.V. Sachsenbergstrasse (Zoobruecke) 51063 Koeln H O W T O G E T T H E R E : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Signs will be placed out from the A3/A4 highway and from the fairground of the Computer '95 as well as from the railway-station Deutz to the partyplace. Click on the >MAP-Button< to see a global map of the area! E N T R A N C E F E E : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The entrance fee will be 15 DM. (sorry, but ONLY German Marks can be accepted) You can also pay in advance by sending per mail. The entrance fee will then be only 12 DM! Write to: dECiSiON vOYAGE-pARTY P.O.Box 15111 D-53040 Bonn Germany Please fill in your handle(s) in a little notice. R E G U L A T I O N S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * NO RACIST SIGNS OR ACTIONS WILL BE TOLERATED!!!! * Troublemakers will be handed over to the police. * No drugs or weapons will be allowed in the partyarea. * The organizers does NOT take any responsabilities of illegal swapping of Programs or VHS- cassettes, nor of destroyed material or programs! Please do NOT leave your equipment unattended. C A T E R I N G : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * There will be lots of beer and softdrinks available at very low prices (DM 2,- beer, DM 1,- soft drinks). * Snacks (warm and cold) will also be there * Pizza ordering should be possible, we are still looking for a good and cheap pizzaria. F A C I L I T I E S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A Big Screen (at least 3 * 4 m) * Powerful Sound Equipment (4000 Watt main area and more!) * Many many desks, so bring your computers along * Enough electricity for everyone! * Movies and old demos/intros on Bigscreen * Surprise Compos C O M P E T I T I O N S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General Competition Rules: * All Contributions MUST be delivered to us at the Info Before Deadline!! (10:00 pm) * All Contributions MUST be inside the individual limits. Well, A few seconds on a MOD or Demo wont do no harm, but when it comes to Kb there are NO exceptions!! * To compete in the competitions you must be present at the party. * We choose not to play/show a production if it contains racist signs or something that could act offensive on any minorities. * As always we will spread all contributions unless you have a VERY good reason not to. We will also tape all contributions to HiFi-VHS unless you state otherwise. But remember, if you choose not to and the demo bugs, we will NOT retry it ! Machine Specific Competition Rulez: Amiga: We will use an A1200 14mhz with 2Mb chip- and 4Mb fast-ram or an unexpanded A1200. However, all demos/intros MUST work on an unexpanded A1200!!! The HiFi-VHS thing is also valid in the Amiga compos... Well, that was that about that.. Now over to the Individual Compos... I N T R O : ~~~~~~~~~ 40K Intro competition (Amiga): Each coder may only participate in one intro and at least one member of the group have to be present at the party. Size: Max 40 KB D E M O : ~~~~~~~~~ Demo competition (Amiga): Max demo length (shown on the bigscreen) 10 min. Each coder may only participate in one demo and at least one member of the group have to be present at the party. Size: Max 4 MB (5 DD-disks) G R A P H I C S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pixelled: Max 256 Colors 640x512 No Scanned or raytraced pictures!! Only one picture from each artist. Raytraced: Max 16,7M colors ;-) Max 800x600 No scanned pictures!! Only one picture per artist. Only IFF, GIF and JPEG accepted! M U S I C : ~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-Channel Music: As U C... maximum 4 channels:) Maximum size 1800 Kb. Each song will be played maximum 3 minutes. NO just-sampled-music!! It's talent we're looking for... Only one song from each musician. S U R P R I S E C O M P O S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can't get to know what surprise- compos we will have, because then it will be no S U R P R I S E ! :) A jury will elect the winners in each compo. The jury's decision is final. T H E V O T I N G S Y S T E M : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone who attends the party will get a voting sheet before starting the competitions! S P E C I A L G U E S T S : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gravenreuth will keep us all warm and save... Some guys from Computer Games companies will be looking for U... The local press (newspaper & radio- station) will also be there. Other fancy people will be there to entertain U or 2 B entertained. C O N T A C T U S O N T H E W E B : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWW-Site: ERNIE.MI.UNI-KOELN.DE/ ~PERNST/PARTY.HTML E-Mail Adresses: sCANDIC@ERNIE.MI.UNI-KOELN.DE I.WAHN@ERNIE.MI.UNI-KOELN.DE