...It's not that they die, but that they die like sheep. - T.S. Elliot 'The Wasteland' Here we mean groups, ofcoz, but after one year The Fun Factory goes on! Proper credits go again to these undescribable tough people for their work with this cute little piece of art! Coding was done by me, Dr.Blitz and the font was pixelled by Skitsofrenik! The music you are listening to is played with the slow PT-player, and the tune is composed by Jelace of Compact Inc. (Thanx a lot, oogabooga-dude!) ;-) Well...well, this scroll is written at my home, and I will quit now so that I can continue writing this at the party, if I find a machine which can help me to assemble this intro to a disk........scroll MIGHT restart (??) The Fun Factory presents A 40Kb intro for the ASSembly'93 party! Credits: Coding by Doctor Blitz Graphics by Skitsofrenik Musicx by Jelace˙ This intro was made to celebrate the first birthday of The Fun Factory! (Thursday, 29.7.) Happy birthday 2 us! Happy birthday 2 us! Happy birthday 2 us! Suber orgasm! Ojaaaaaaaah! Huhhuh! Fast greets comin' up.... ADDICTS, ADZE, AHEAD, ALCATRAZ, ANALOG, ANGELICA, ARISE, AQ, AVALON, BALANCE, BLADE, BRONX, CADAVER, CALIBRA, CHROME, COMPACT INC., COMPLEX, CRYPTOBURNERS, D-29, DAMONES, DARK MILLENIUM, DECNITE, DEFIANCE, DESIRE, DESTINY, DIFFUSION, DIGITAL, DIGITAL ARTISTS INC., DISKNET, ENERGY, EQUINOX, EURECA, ESKIMOS, EXOTIC MEN, FANTASY, GENETIC, GENOCIDE, G.O.D., GRACE, IMPULSE, INTENSE, INVASION, JETSET, JEWELS, KRAFTED, LEGACY, LEGEND, LIMBO, LIQUID, MAGICIANS, MAJIC 12, MANITOU, MENTASM, MIDNIGHTSUN, MIDWAY, NETZWERK, NEXUS, PARASITE, PLATIN, RAM JAM, RAGE, REGENCY, RHAPSODIC, SAHARA SURFERS, SFINX, SILICON DREAMS, SONIC, SUBMISSION, TALENT, TAURUS, TEAM EXTREME, THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, THE ELECTRONIC KNIGHTS, UTOPIA, VISUAL-FX, VORTEX, WARTEC, X-TRADE, ZONE