interviews > interviews > regular interviews

  mr. schizophrenia
(art also available)

talking with mr. schizo, vga artist with the renound fORCE Productions..

Session Start: Fri Jan 10 22:01:48 1997

*** Now talking in #skitz
*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...
*** dangermouse changes topic to "interview mania.."

dangermouse: ahh..
dangermouse: the man has arrived..
skitz: hey hey!
skitz: uh.. hi =]..
dangermouse: okies.. let's get started..
skitz: righto..
dangermouse: background info man.. name, age, sex, live, g/f, anything else.. etc etc..
skitz: name: Mr. Schizophrenia - who needs to know my real name
dangermouse: me
dangermouse: ;)
skitz: age: 17 years
skitz: sex: male
dangermouse: sex: yes please ;)
dangermouse: haha
dangermouse: (not with you)
skitz: live: in a place called brisbane, somewhere in the arse end of the earth.
dangermouse: hey, i live there too ;)
skitz: gf: none..
dangermouse: same here
dangermouse: sad really
skitz: anything else: i dunno, that just about covers it, oh yeah, i collect curse of the spawn comics!..

dangermouse: ooh.. interesting.. umm, yeah, whats ya background in the art scene, when did ya start? groups? ..
skitz: my background in the art scene.. uh.. okay...
skitz: first of all, i started in a now defunct oz based group called APocalyPtiC Visions, i was in that group for 2 packs, then moved to ACiD, yah!, but even then, i stayed for two packs.... then i end up in fORCE where i exist today...
skitz: i started sometime in 1995... =]..
dangermouse: hehe.. you're one of those glory hungry group moving ppl aren't you.. admit it..
skitz: oh i've been in other groups too, something called mOp and GaS.... i'd just mention..
dangermouse: it just proves my bloody point
skitz: well i admit i *was* a grewp jumper, but not anymore.. too much effort =]..
dangermouse: hmm.. i've noticed you in the force memeber list for a while.. a rarity..

dangermouse: so how long have you been drawing hi-rez?
skitz: i've been doing hi-rez since i started.. well no actually i did *some* before i joined av... about.. hmmm 3 years tops..
dangermouse: jeeze.. your pretty damnm good to have been drawing only that amount of time! do you draw outside of computer art, such as pencil - paint.. etc etc..
skitz: yes drawing is a hobby of mine.. i'm into ink drawings at the moment, but i do a lot of pencilling too... as for painting, nah, too messy =]....
dangermouse: hehe.. do you pencil a vga before "hi-rez"ing it?
skitz: depends on what the vga is, sometimes i just copy the pic out of a book, sometimes i just pencil a sketch beforehand.
dangermouse: yeah..
dangermouse: what do you think of the current hi-rez scene?
skitz: which scene?? the australian one or the us one?? =]..
dangermouse: the global, and aussie..

*** rGt ( has joined #skitz

rGt: excuse me
rGt: oh sorry.. i didnt realise you two were together
dangermouse: yes ;)

*** rGt ( has left #skitz

* dangermouse pulls his pants up

dangermouse: sprung

*** rGt ( has joined #skitz

rGt: ah!
rGt: i didnt want to interupt anything between you
dangermouse: not agaiN!

* dangermouse pulls his pants up AGAIN!

skitz: as for global, i haven't got much of an opinion as i don't collect overseas packs these days... as for the oz scene, there are a few vga artists doings things, but i have ONE complaint.. STOP FUCKING USING PHOTOSHOP FILTERS AND CALL THE COMPUTER'S

* rGt covers his eyes in horror

skitz: WORK YOUR OWN.. *phant*.. right.. =]..
dangermouse: hey i like photoshop filters.. then i have no tallent..
skitz: oh, i wish that there were more oz illustrators.. =]..

* dangermouse pulls his cock out of skitzo's poo-shoot...

dangermouse: yeah, grump is a 'fav' of mine..
rGt: uh huh.. this interview is shit

*** rGt ( has left #skitz

* skitz shoves his meat up his doggt's poop-chute

* dangermouse starts crying..

skitz: grump rocks at his 3ds stuff.. i love it =]..
dangermouse: i erection..
skitz: i like to beat my meat..
skitz: (and so does everyone else.. =])

* dangermouse is getting excited..

skitz: hey hey HEY!, isn't this an interview or something =]..
dangermouse: it most certainly is, no nonsense stuff here!
skitz: right...
dangermouse: but then again.. this is for acheron.. tom-foolery is our second name..
skitz: acheron, i did a vga that robbed me three months of fun... damn.. =]..
dangermouse: yeah bunch of ungrateful bastards..
skitz: just call it suffering for the scene.. =]

dangermouse: oh well.. yeah, so how do you feel about your future.. it looks pretty secure with more web based sites springing up all over the place.. i mean, bbs' are dying man! web sites are opening!
dangermouse: +0 skitzo
dangermouse: waa!

*** dangermouse sets mode: +o skitz

dangermouse: woo
skitz: the future... hmmm the last thing i want to do is do gfx for websites.. ugh!.. i'm not worried about bbs's, they are still going strong in my eyes. besides, i want to work on my own projects...
dangermouse: ahh. bullshit.. bbs' are dead..
dangermouse: ours is, hence so are all the others ;)
skitz: wrong!, there's plenty!
dangermouse: where?
dangermouse: inferno? wow.. quantum leap.. boring...
skitz: uh, i'm talking about 0-3day warez joints =]..
dangermouse: nah, they'll be busted tomorrow..
skitz: uh, i'll test that point =]..
dangermouse: you've gotta admit, most of the *shareware* bbs' around our place are pretty damn stupid.. since that greate bbs INCUBUS died -- well it just hasn't been the same you know..
skitz: i know it hasn't been the same, but there have been others that have popped up actually.. it's just that there isn't any demoscene/ansiscene bbs's around the place.. which is sad..

skitz: $$$$ $$$$}}$Oa $$$$a ,a$$$ $$$$}}}p $$$$}}Pa
skitz: $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$`}' $$$ $$$$ ' $$$$ $$
skitz: $$$$ $$$$ $$$$}}$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$}}} $$$$}}$}'
skitz: $$$$ $$$' $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ ,b $$$$ $$.
skitz: `}}}}' }}}} }}} }}}} }}} }}}}}}}' }}}} }}}'

dangermouse: yeah that top-notch scene bbs acheron was also the pack leader..
skitz: hmmm that ascii didn't turn out so good.. oh well..
skitz: it didn't have decent mailnets for one thing =]..
dangermouse: nah, that's only secondary, it had almost all the iCE packs.. woo!
skitz: it did??.. =].. i thought it just had a lot of ice packs =]..
dangermouse: we had fucking everything my friend! but alas, all good things must come to an end..

dangermouse: you like the =] smiley don't ya
dangermouse: ~8)
dangermouse: *8)
skitz: reminds me of my erection.. =]..
dangermouse: :^)
skitz: yes, it's my trademark =]
dangermouse: as is my famous babyface ~8)
dangermouse: :(O)

* dangermouse was happy with that last one

skitz: uh i think i saw that one somewhere else.. =]..
dangermouse: nah i rip everything off..
dangermouse: appartently theres an american bbs called acheron! ouch! oh well.. tough titties..
skitz: i know, i noticed in some warez group .nfo listing..
dangermouse: hmm..
dangermouse: who cares.. he's a bbs, were a scene page.. big diff..

skitz: new topic plz!
skitz: too right..
dangermouse: hmm.. have you rooted any gerbals lately?!

* dangermouse is bored..

skitz: nope, i've locked myself up in the cellar to come out ghastly white for the new school year...
dangermouse: ahh.. which grade now? pre? infants?
skitz: i'm in the lost grade... no one know which grade i'm in, and neither do i.. =]

* dangermouse intended this interview to be completely stupid.. no offense ;)

dangermouse: hmm.. i'm moving onto the prestigious grade of university, where ill be picking up chicks one day, and well.. prolly having kids the next ;)

skitz: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i wish people would stop sucking up to me ans asking me for a vga.. it ruins my motivation!
dangermouse: what are you fucking on about?

*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...

skitz: uni, the place my brother hangs out...

*** dangermouse changes topic to "skito's gerbal farm"

skitz: well too much praise ruins my motivation to do any vga.. simples as that..
dangermouse: hmm... what ya buggering on about, seriously.. have i somehow asked for a vga?

*** skitz changes topic to "i have no life, find me one.."

*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...

*** dangermouse changes topic to "uni: chicks, chicks, chicks, and a fat chick.. arggghhh!"
*** skitz changes topic to "occult is cool"

*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...

*** dangermouse changes topic to "answer the last bloody question tool..."

skitz: have you somehow asked for a vga.. no way!... besides if you did i wouldn't do it..
dangermouse: bah! fine then! ..

*** skitz changes topic to "alanis morrisette rulez!"

*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...

*** dangermouse changes topic to "alanis morrisette sucks ;)"
*** dangermouse sets mode: +o skitz

skitz: besides i'm no longer a interview virgin.. this is scary!

*** skitz changes topic to "alanis morrissette sucks - NOT!"

*** dangermouse sets mode: -o skitz

dangermouse: just incase.. ;))
skitz: hey not fair!

*** Retrieving #skitz channel info...

*** dangermouse changes topic to "alanis morrissette sucks - mettalica rules.."

dangermouse: nah, shes ok i guess.. im not 'crazy' about her tho
skitz: i lurrrve her.. i've drawn many pictures of her screwing me.. ahhhhhhh...
dangermouse: do an alanis vga
skitz: no, i've got pictures enough.. =]
dangermouse: how can u love her..
dangermouse: she's prolly a bitch in real life for all you know..
skitz: cuz i already have enough vga's of her! =]..
dangermouse: you're in love with wanting to love her...
dangermouse: that made sense..
skitz: i don't know, it's probably something to do with my ego...
dangermouse: hmm.. prolly, or your decrepid sexual fantasies.. because you can't any off your dog ..
dangermouse: ;>

dangermouse: hit me.. go on!
skitz: jeez, i'm *so* ashamed...
skitz: =].

skitz: pow!

* dangermouse slaps skitz around a bit with a wet towel used to wipe his ass..
* skitz pow'z wk up his choote!
* dangermouse uses skitzo's nads as golf balls
* skitz aims his gun at wk and fires!
* skitz complains that he's run out of juice

skitz: waaiiit... are we gay!

* dangermouse catches the bullet in his mouth kunfu style and blows up skitzo's poo chute

skitz: we are gay!

* dangermouse is not ashamed of his sexuallity ;)
* skitz admits he's a transvestite..
* dangermouse has seen skitzo in his two piece mini with poca-dots.. oohh..

skitz: i bet your daddy wouldn't be happy...

* dangermouse 's daddy is here..

dangermouse: phear that

* skitz says can i have a root mr wk???
* dangermouse says no, he's busy ;)
* skitz says that his daddy is bigger then your daddy we ph3ar!
* dangermouse is not ashamed of his member..

skitz: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i'm sick of all this.....
skitz: i'm sick of life..
dangermouse: it's how you use it that counts..
skitz: i'm sick of vga
skitz: i'm sick of being who i am

* dangermouse shoots skitzo in the head to relieve his misery..

*** skitz was kicked by dangermouse (there, put him out of misery)

skitz: i'm sick of being used for other's pleasure..

*** skitz ( has joined #skitz

skitz: that hurt!..
dangermouse: damn.. he;s back from the dead!
skitz: better now anyway =]..
skitz: wooo didn't i say occult was cool! =]..

dangermouse: oh well. better end this bullshit while we're ahead i guess, any last words?
skitz: i want to say hiya's to all vga illustrators and 3d artits, all force members, all av members i knew (may they rest in peace).. and ermmmm... to you for giving me my first interview... ta-da..
skitz: oh yeah...
dangermouse: and what a funny and eye-opening one it was!
skitz: *ahem* =]..
dangermouse: we got absolutely nowhere, and well.. i dunno..
skitz: tha's it! =]..
skitz: sure thing, there's always next time =]..
dangermouse: mmm.. i'll chuck this tom-foolery up on acheron tomorrow..
dangermouse: cya
skitz: okies =]..
skitz: i'm off to leech oldwarez..
dangermouse: wow

*** skitz ( has left #skitz

Session Close: Fri Jan 10 22:57:27 1997

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