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december 1998

27 December
Wow. I make all ye peons listen to my drivel. If you don't know me, i'm atom, im a hirez artist from dark illustrated, and HRg, specializing in photomanips. Basically this post is for all you peeps who are sick of geoshittes, tripoped, xoom, etc etc. I have an account i got for doing some freelance art, and basically its hosting with no quota. So if you're interested in some space on it (yer url would be denizen.refract.com/artists/you) drop me a line at atom_drk@theglobe.com, or find me in #hirez, #dark, #hrg, or #sfraves.

24 December
The shopping is done, the lights are on the tree, the cookies are laid out for Santa.. the only thing left to do now is to curl up with this month's Hallucigenia pack, hal1298.zip (2Meg).. soon to be fully viewable online at our website.

14 December
Three new tutorials added:
- Davinci: golden text and lightning
- Hfaze: watercolor emulation in PS.

New link on personal links page (Leonardo)

13 December
All of you 3D-artists that are familiar with iCE probably know who Steven Ståhlberg is. I am going to Hong Kong this Christmas where mr Ståhlberg resides, and have a face to face interview with him! This is a once in a lifetime chance to ask mr Ståhlberg whatever you want (almost), since he doesn't hang on IRC.
Just mail your questions to me, and I'll ask him whatever I think is a suitable question. When I get back I'll post the whole interview here on hirez.org.

This also means hirez.org will not be updated while I'm having my vacation. During 18/12 1998 to 5/1 1999 I will be in HK. Meanwhile, you'll have to do without hirez.org news, and just post announcements on the discussionboard.

10 December
[ INFLICTION ] - RELEASE (cubeblue)
Infliction releases solo pack number one, [1298] full of hirez, scans, and manips.. grab the pack at www.infliction.com. get it, see it, make love to it...

Well, I've got all my Christmas shopping done, all school assignments handed in, and nothing else to do but draw. So thus, I am offering free VGA (or hirez) logos to a limited ammount of people. Just email cperry@cperry.com with a detailed description of what you want. Only the first 5-10 logos will be accepted.. or.. i'll just do the ones that will be funnest to draw :) Anyway, let's see how this goes.. what do you have to lose?

9 December
Hirez.org is finally up! As you can see it has the same design as acheron.org, made by Dangermouse. We came to an agreement, and hirez.org and acheron.org are officially sister-sites, together with a games-site that will be up soon. Dangermouse has been really nice donating some material from acheron.org to hirez.org to get this site going. Think of hirez.org as the hirez-section of acheron.org, only a very big section =).

The content on hirez.org will be similar to acheron.org, except that we focus on the hirez artscene. The really new sections on hirez.org are the Reviews and the Top 10 list. The reviews are written as soon as the packs are released. The regular reviewers are God Among Lice and Root88. But, anyone can contribute with their own hirez reviews. As long as it is a serious review, and it has the same structure as our reviews, it will get published. Anyone can get their voice heard. The reviews submitted are subject to editing without notice before publication, though. The top 10 list is the favourite picks of our reviewers from the packs reviewed. Since art is a subjective matter, the list is what WE like the most, not what we think everyone else should like. The list will be updated once a month. The other sections have some minor changes to them, for example the links has a "software houses" page, linking to the software houses producing graphics applications etc.

New content:
- Reviews of December packs. There are also some old reviews from November, but they are only reviewed by one person. They were only for testing the first time, as I expected the site to launch in November.
- Top 10 list of the month.
- New articles by Malcolm X of ACiD and The Knave of iCE.
- New links section, and some new links (groups and personal).
- Hair tutorial from Jae's site, and Tiny3D's awesome Explosive Fire tute.
- New discussion topics.

Also planned is a "Promo Art" section, for everyone that have drawn/working on or will draw hirez.org or #hirez promo pics. Could those of you that have drawn promos please mail me them? Or if you remember in which packs #hirez have been released earlier inform me about it.

I am still in need of dedicated reviewers. You have to be mature and good at writing. No iCE-members allowed (we already have two, me and root88). Other freelance contributions in other areas are always welcome!

A lot of thanks to:
Dangermouse - for the templates and "get-you-going" content!
Rw - for hosting!
God Among Lice and Root88 for being dedicated reviewers!
And all of you that have contributed with material and support!

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